BangBang Survivor Guide Wiki – Gems Tips & Tricks

Welcome to BangBang Survivor Guide wiki, BangBang Survivor is getting so much popularity these days, and since there is no official wiki of BangBang Survivor, We have created this BangBang Survivor Guide article where you will find information about gems and how they help in-game.

You can use BangBang Survivor Codes, because they will give you free rewards and BangBang Survivor Tier List for Best Skills

BangBang Survivor Guide Wiki


There are so many gems in the game and you can find information about them below.

DMG Enhance

Attack Power: extremely useful in the early stages, they can significantly boost your combat power. It is highly recommended.

Criti DMG/Crit Rate: simply and effectively increase DMG and are not as easily diluted as attack power. Highly recommended.

Extra DMG of x% Max HP for Crit Strike: The more HP the monsters have, the more beneficial this becomes. The further you progress, the more useful it is. Highly recommended.

Reduce CD Duration: These can directly reduce cooldown duration. However, higher is not always better; after all, if your attacks are not powerful enough, it’s pointless. Use at your discretion.

Skill Effects

HP Recovery

HP Recovery on Kill: It is Very useful in the early stages, helping you complete perfect clearance. Can be replaced by the Mercenary – Project Commander. Keep it until you have one.

Increase Fort HP/Reduce DMG Taken: When your defense is greater than the monster’s attack power, attacks will be blocked. Monsters’ attack power is low in the early stages, so keep these early on.

Enhance Gems

Gun Penetration/Volley: quickly kill the first few waves at the start of each stage to wait for the skills to upgrade. If you’re lucky and get Bullet Projectile/Combo, it can accelerate the gun enhance. Highly recommended.

Increase Damage to Targets with Over 70% HP / For the First 5 Waves / At 400 Range from the Fort: these can help quickly eliminate the first few waves to prevent losing too much HP before the boss arrives. Recommended to carry 1-2 of these.

Increase Skill & Projectile Speed: this can increase the movement speed of bullets, dry ice bombs, and thermo bombs. Use at your discretion.

Increase Elemental DMG: recommended for thermo bomb and fuel bomb builds.

Increase Single Skill DMG / Increase Gun DMG: these are quite specific in their use. Gems that buff all skills are generally better.

Chance Gems

Damage Ranges from -20% to 60%: there is a high probability of gaining a DMG bonus. Consider carrying one.

Chance to Instantly Kill / Teleport Enemy: the most phenomenal gems in the entire game. Definitely you have to keep them if you’re lucky enough to get them!

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