Crime Scene Cleaner All Chapters – Lootable Items, Secrets and Tapes.

A full and complete guide to all the collectable items that give you extra Money in the game. Includes Lootable Items, Secrets and Tapes.

Want to find all that Perk-granting cash in the game? Hopefully, this’ll help you find every dollar!
All the secret areas are listed, and I threw in the Tapes as a bonus because why not!
Be sure to get yourself the Treasure Hunter perk asap (it’s in the General section of your Skills) as it will really help you find everything!
Obviously I’ve tried to be as comprehensive as possible, but if I’ve missed anything, do let me know and I’ll add it.

Chapter 1: Bad Call
Body Count: 3
Size: 3
Payment: $5000
Collectable Cash: $8850
Courtyard –
$300, Cash: On the opposite side of the open courtyard to your car you’ll hear a radio blaring about money. Grab a box to hop over the fence and the money is sitting on top of the noisy radio.
$100, Cash: Beyond the locked door, in the fenced-in area, in the open locker with a baseball bat.
$100, Drugs: Just past the fence-like gate that you need a Lucky Key to open, on your right on a shelf.
$700, Drugs: On the roof with the heart graffiti, near to the yellow elevator on the side of the building.
$700, Drugs: On the roof with the heart graffiti, near to the yellow elevator on the side of the building.
$700, Drugs: On the roof with the heart graffiti, near to the yellow elevator on the side of the building.
(Note: These last three are VERY hard to get to, and require a lot of box-stacking and careful jumping. There is a separate guide that details methods on how to do this)
– Hidden Apartment –
$100, Cash: In a small draw in the table with the spotlight.
$100, Cash: On the top of a destroyed cupboard next to graffiti that says ‘Sh*t’
$100, Cash: Deeper into the apartment is another light near a statue. The money is on the floor at its feet.
$100, Cash: In the bathtub.
$50, Statue: In the bathroom, near the light, behind the shelves, next to a Lucky Key.
– Dealers Apartment –
$50, Jewellery : In the bathroom, on top of the washing machine.
$100, Drugs: In the bathroom, on the book about Volcanos.
$50, Jewellery : In the small room outside the bathroom, top draw of the small set of draws.
$100, Cash: Living Room, next to the white sofa, on the floor next to a set of draws.
$100, Drugs: Living Room, top draw of the set of draws next to the white sofa.
$100, Drugs: Living Room, same draw as above.
$100, Cash: Living Room, middle draw on the left side of the green sofa
$100, Drugs: On the Dining Room table.
$100, Drugs: Top draw on the left in the Kitchen.
– Attic –
Tape, Classical Music Collection: In the Attic, on your left at the top of the ladder.
$700, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the table with lots of potted plants.
$300, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the table with lots of potted plants.
$300, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the table with lots of potted plants.
$300, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the table with lots of potted plants.
$100, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the right-side shelf with the boxes.
$100, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the right-side shelf with the boxes.
$100, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the right-side shelf with the boxes.
$100, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the right-side shelf with the boxes.
$700, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the table with the candle.
$100, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the table with the candle.
$100, Drugs: In the room with the plants, on the table with the candle.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: You’ll need both Lucky Keys to enter this place; one is in the bathroom of the Hidden Apartment, and the other is on a box in the fenced-off area beyond the locked door. Once you’ve got both of them, head to the far-end of the fenced off area and unlock the gate. Walk through the greenhouse room and open another gate to find the Secret Area.
$700, Drugs: On the heater in the Secret Area.
Tape, Cieszyn’s Venice: On the heater with the drugs.
Secret 2: From the Dealer’s Apartment, destroy the boards across the open window and go out onto the fire escape. Carefully move along the thin ledge to the large yellow elevator on the side of the building. Press the button to move it down and then destroy the boards in the open window down here to enter.
$100, Drugs: On the table by the TV on the left.
$100, Cash: On the shelf on the right with the music player.
$300, Cash: On the shelf on the right with the music player.
Tape, Epitaph Of A Good Friend: On the shelf on the right with the music player.
$700, Statue: The giant Golden Hand by the shrine.
Secret 3: From the top floor corridor, there’s an open window with a booked titled ‘Secret Nearby’ (subtle). Hop out onto the thin ledge there and over the board to the roof of another building. The small area to your left is the secret.
$100, Drugs: On the small box-table.
$100, Jewellery : On the small box-table.
$100, Jewellery : Hidden behind the small box-table.
Chapter 2: Trial By Blood
Body Count: 5
Size: 2
Payment: $7500
Collectable Cash: $7450
– Entrance And Changing Rooms –
$100, Jewellery : In the Men’s Locker Room, where the sinks are.
$100, Cash: In the Men’s Locker Room toilet, tucked around behind the toilet itself.
$300, Cash: Inside Locker M005.
$100, Drugs: Inside Locker M005.
$100, Drugs: Inside Locker M005.
$100, Drugs: Inside Locker M014.
$50, Jewellery : Inside Locker M014.
$100, Jewellery : Inside Locker M014.
$100, Jewellery : Inside Locker M014.
$300, Drugs: Inside Locker M017.
Tape, Out Of The Hood: Inside Locker M017.
$100, Jewellery : In the Women’s Locker Room Toilet, on the sink.
$100, Cash: In the Women’s Locker Room, on the small bench under a towel.
$100, Cash: Inside Locker W006.
$100, Cash: Inside Locker W009.
$100, Jewellery : Inside Locker W024.
$100, Drugs: Inside Locker W024.
$300, Cash: Inside Locker W042.
$100, Drugs: Inside Locker W042.
– Relaxation Zone –
$300, Jewellery : After draining the water from the pool, on the far side, next to a try with a glass and a couple of bottles.
$100, Cash: In the maintenance room, on the floor next to the lockers.
$100, Cash: In the maintenance room, tucked under a newspaper near the fan on the computer desk.
$300, Cash: In the maintenance room, in the set of trays full of nuts and bolts.
Tape, Kapushi Clouds: On the table with the computer.
$100, Cash: In the Tanning Bed area, inside the Tanning Bed tucked behind the plant.
$100, Cash: In the Tanning Bed area, inside the Tanning Bed tucked behind the plant.
$100, Cash: In the Tanning Bed area, inside the Tanning Bed tucked behind the plant.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: Find the VIP Card inside Locker M034, then head inside the Maintenance Area to unlock the hidden door to access it.
$300, Statue: Inside the VIP Area, next to the large statue.
$300, Statue: Inside the VIP Area, next to the large statue.
$300, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, next to the lion statue.
$300, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, next to the lion statue.
Tape, Classical Music Collection: Inside the VIP Area, next to the lion statue.
$300, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, on the central table.
$300, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, on the central table.
$300, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, on the central table.
$300, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, on the central table.
$100, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, on the central table.
$100, Drugs: Inside the VIP Area, on the central table.
$100, Drugs: Inside the VIP Area, on the central table.
$100, Cash: Inside the VIP Area, between the door and the chair, on the floor next to the pillar.
Secret 2: In the VIP Area, you can find the W018 Locker Card. Opening the locker nets you this Secret.
$100, Cash: Inside Locker W018.
$100, Cash: Inside Locker W018.
$300, Jewellery : Inside Locker W018.
$700, Drugs: Inside Locker W018.
Chapter 3: Toxic Love
Body Count: 3
Size: 1
Payment: $6000
Collectable Cash: $6850
– Ground Floor –
$100, Drugs: In the Hallway, under the white potted plant on the cupboard under the large paintings.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen, the middle draw to the right of the sink.
$300, Cash: In the Living Room area, behind the cushion next to the candle on the left.
$100, Drugs: In the Living Room area, behind the cushion next to the candle on the Right.
Tape, Purrfect Grooves: In the Living Room area, on the bookshelf to the right of the TV.
$100, Cash: In the Laundry Room, inside the washing machine.
$100, Jewellery : In the Laundry Room, on top of the washing machine.
$50, Jewellery : In the Laundry Room, on top of the washing machine.
$50, Award: In the Laundry Room, on the side.
$300, Cash: In the Laundry Room, on the side behind the towels.
$100, Cash: In the Laundry Room, on the box with the hammer near the stepladder.
$300, Statue: In the Hidden Room, to the left of the computer on the boxes.
$100, Cash: In the Hidden Room, in the third draw of the set of draws in the corner.
$100, Drugs: In the Hidden Room, under the glass table in the corner.
$300, Cash: In the Hidden Room, on the left of the two chairs.
$100, Drugs: In the Hidden Room, inside the small cabinet.
$50, Statue: In the Hidden Room, inside the small cabinet.
– First Floor –
$100, Jewellery : In the Bedroom Room area, on the table on the right of the bed.
$100, Drugs: In the Bedroom Room area, on the table on the right of the bed.
$100, Jewellery : In the Bedroom Room area, on the side next to the large mirror.
$100, Jewellery : In the Bedroom Room area, on the side next to the large mirror.
$100, Jewellery : In the Bedroom Room area, on the side next to the large mirror.
$300, Cash: In the Sitting Room area, in the top-left draw of the set of draws.
$300, Cash: In the Sitting Room area, in the top-left draw of the set of draws.
$300, Cash: In the Sitting Room area, on the shelf with the cacti, near the small desk.
$100, Statue: In the Sitting Room area, on the bookshelf.
$300, Drugs: In the Bathroom Room, on the set of draws with the candle.
$100, Drugs: In the Bathroom Room, on the set of draws with the candle.
$100, Drugs: In the Bathroom Room, on the set of draws with the candle.
$100, Jewellery : In the Bathroom Room, on the table next to set of draws with the candle.
Tape, Hi, I’m Ready To Die: Next to the music player near the bath.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the Hidden Room there’s a short dead-end corridor with a chair and a painting. Just open the painting to find the secret.
$100, Jewellery : In the small hole that the safe is hidden inside.
$700, Cash: Inside the safe.
$700, Cash: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
$700, Drugs: Inside the safe.
Chapter 4: Short Circuit
Body Count: 3
Size: 2
Payment: $6500
Collectable Cash: $6600
– Ground Floor –
$100, Cash: In the hallway, behind in the body, in the corner on the World History book.
$100, Jewellery : In the Bathroom, next to the sink.
$100, Jewellery : In the Main Room, on the table with the red lamp.
$100, Jewellery : In the Main Room, on the table with the red lamp.
$50, Statue: In the Main Room, in the shelving unit next to the red lamp.
$50, Statue: In the Main Room, on the side next to the white light.
$300, Statue: In the TV Room, the cat statue in front of the TV.
$300, Cash: In the TV Room, upper-left draw under the TV.
$300, Statue: In the TV Room, on the set of draws next to the cat climbing frame.
$300, Cash: In the TV Room, inside the cat climbing frame.
$300, Statue: In the TV Room, on the left side of the set of shelves opposite the TV.
– First Floor –
$50, Statue: In the Main Bedroom, on the table.
$300, Statue: In the Main Bedroom, in the corner on some boxes next to the cupboard.
$100, Drugs: In the Main Bedroom, on the shelving unit next to the cupboard.
$300, Drugs: In the Main Bedroom, behind the boxes on the floor next to the shelving unit.
$50, Jewellery : In the Second Bedroom, in the middle-left draw under the large fish picture.
$100, Jewellery : In the Second Bedroom, on the draws by the window.
Tape, Holy Wota: In the Office, in the large set of shelves.
Tape, Girampa Girampas: In the Office, in the large set of shelves. This Tape will appear after you’ve taken the first one and then explored downstairs.
$300, Cash: In the Office, in the large set of shelves.
$50, Statue: In the Office, in the large set of shelves.
$100, Statue: In the Office, in the large set of shelves.
$50, Statue: In the Office, to the right of the large set of shelves.
$100, Statue: In the Office, in the third draw of the left of the four-draw set of draws.
$100, Cash: In the Office, in the bottom draw of the right of the four-draw set of draws.
$100, Statue: In the Office, on the shelf next to the office desk.
$100, Cash: In the Office, in the bottom draw of the set of draws to the right of the desk.
$50, Jewellery : In the Office, on the bookshelf to the right of the desk.
$50, Statue: In the Office, on the shelf behind the door.
$100, Statue: In the Workshop Room, in the locker in the far corner next to the large wooden table.
$100, Cash: In the Workshop Room, in the right locker opposite the desk, under a bunch of stuff.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the upstairs hallways, just outside the Workshop Room is a light on the wall that’s at an angle. Move it back into place and the wall at the far end of the corridor will open up to a hidden area.
$300, Cash: On the table.
$300, Cash: On the table.
$700, Cash: On the table.
$300, Jewellery : On the table.
Secret 2: In the large Main Room, between the fridge and the sink is a small door that opens up to the secret.
$300, Statue: Next to the book.
$300, Statue: Behind the metal canister.
$300, Statue: Between the two boxes.
Chapter 5: Italian Job
Body Count: 11
Size: 3
Payment: $11000
Collectable Cash: $9000
– Restaurant –
$700, Drugs: In the Freezer, on the top shelf in the corner to the left of the door.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, inside a small canister on the counter with the cash register.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, in the left-side draw under the cash register.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, in the left-side draw under the cash register.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, in the left-side draw under the cash register.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, in the left-side draw under the cash register.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, in the left-side draw under the cash register.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, in the left-side draw under the cash register.
$100, Cash: In the Office, in the second draw down of the filing cabinet in the corner next to the shelving unit.
$100, Statue: In the Office, on the large shelving unit at the back of the room.
$100, Statue: In the Office, on the large shelving unit at the back of the room
$300, Statue: In the Office, on the large shelving unit at the back of the room
Tape, Prosciutto Core: In the Office, on top of the left set of draws behind the desk.
$300, Cash: In the Office, second draw down in the left set of draws behind the desk.
$100, Cash: In the Office, third draw down in the right set of draws behind the desk.
– Back Alleys –
$100, Cash: Just outside the exit from the Office are three blue cabinets, on the far left on the floor.
$100, Drugs: on the corner of the bin under the open window to Granny’s Apartment.
$100, Cash: In a small box next to the AC unit under the open window to Granny’s Apartment.
$100, Cash: Opposite side of the fence next to the Water Source, behind the large bins, on a barrel.
– Granny’s Apartment –
$100, Jewellery : In the middle draw of the set of draws next to the open window.
$50, Statue: In the large cabinet on the far side of the room.
$300, Statue: The cat statue on top of the cat climbing frame.
$100, Jewellery : On the chair next to the cat climbing frame.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the right-hand draw under the cash register you can find a key. Grab it and head into the office where you’ll see a pile of boxes in a dark corner of the room. On the floor is a hatch that you can interact with, and heading down the ladder will net you a secret room.
$300, Cash: On the set of draws next to the broken lift.
$300, Cash: On the set of draws next to the broken lift.
$300, Cash: On the set of draws next to the broken lift.
$100, Statue: On the table between the two sofas under the large painting.
$700, Cash: On the poker table near the shelf of wine bottles.
Tape, Swishi Swoop: On the set of draws, next to the radio.
$700, Cash: Inside the safe.
$700, Cash: Inside the safe.
$100, Statue: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
Secret 2: Open the door next the Water Source in the Back Alleys, and go around the wall to find some boards. Break then and crawl under to reach the Secret.
$100, Statue: On the floor next to the guitar.
$50, Statue: On the floor next to the guitar.
$300, Statue: On the floor next to the guitar.
$100, Statue: On the floor next to the guitar.
Secret 3: In the Back Alleys near your car, but on the other side of the locked gate, is a large brick wall with barbed wire at the top. On the left-hand side are some large creates. Stack boxes and a ladder against them to hop up the wall to the small area above.
$100, Drugs: On the chair behind the drums with the rubber duck.
$300, Drugs: On the floor next to the large speakers.
Tape, Sonne Und Hell: On top of the large speakers.
Chapter 6: Affair With Death
Body Count: 5
Size: 3
Payment: $12000
Collectable Cash: $8832
– Forest Path –
$100, Cash: Right under your car where you start the level.
– Swimming Pool –
$100, Cash: In the Workshop, on the shelf next to the washing machines.
$100, Cash: In the Workshop, on the shelf next to the washing machines.
$100, Cash: On the table by the pool, next to the barbeque and lowered sitting area.
$100, Cash: From the basketball court, go up the stairs and into the trees to find it on a table with a laptop.
$100, Cash: On the table with the red cloth, to the right of the door going inside is a raised sitting area.
$300, Cash: On the table with the red cloth, to the right of the door going inside is a raised sitting area.
$300, Cash: On the table with the red cloth, to the right of the door going inside is a raised sitting area.
– Ground Floor –
Tape, Classical Music Collection: In the TV area, by the music under the TV.
$100, Cash: In the TV area, in the upper-left-hand draw under the TV.
$100, Statue: On the small table behind the sofa.
$100, Statue: On the small table behind the sofa.
$300, Statue: On the small table behind the sofa.
$100, Jewellery : In the Bathroom, next to the sink.
$100, Cash: In the Bathroom, at the bottom of the basket next to the sink.
$100, Cash: Past the large round table in the central area, under the green set of draws that you have to fix and move back into place.
$100, Cash: Under the small table in the corner of the entrance hallway.
$300, Cash: In the Bedroom, in the large shelving unit as you walk into the room.
$100, Cash: In the Bedroom, in the printer next to the computer you have to hack into.
$100, Jewellery: In the Bedroom, under the pillow on the bed.
$100, Statue: On the large set of draws next to the bed
Tape, Maranashi: On the large set of draws next to the bed.
$100, Jewellery: In the Bedroom, at the back of the walk-in-wardrobe.
$300, Jewellery: In the Bedroom, at the back of the walk-in-wardrobe.
$100, Jewellery: In the Bedroom, at the back of the walk-in-wardrobe.
$300, Cash: In the Bedroom, at the back of the walk-in-wardrobe, in the upper-left draw.
$300, Cash: In the Bedroom, at the back of the walk-in-wardrobe, in the middle-right draw.
$100, Statue: On the middle-landing of the stairs.
– First Floor –
$100, Statue: On the landing, on the shelving unit next to the stairs.
$300, Statue: On the landing, on the shelving unit next to the stairs.
$300, Cash: In the Boys Bedroom, in the upper-left draw under the two skull pictures.
$300, Drugs: In the Boys Bedroom, in the upper-left draw under the two skull pictures.
$300, Drugs: In the Boys Bedroom, in the upper-left draw under the two skull pictures.
$100, Cash: In the Boys Bedroom, on the balcony, on the floor behind the beanbag chair.
$100, Cash: In the Boys Bedroom, on the balcony, on the floor beyond the beanbag chair.
$300, Statue: In the Girls Bedroom, on the shelf above the bed.
$100, Jewellery: In the Girls Bedroom, to the left of the bed on a thin table, next to the photo.
$50, Jewellery: In the Girls Bedroom, on the dressing table.
Tape, She Deserves A Better Life: In the Main Bedroom, on the dressing table.
$300, Jewellery: In the Main Bedroom, on the balcony, on top of a book, next to the chair.
– Basement –
$300, Statue: On the workshop table, it’s the gold wrench.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the outside Swimming Pool area there is a basketball court. Go up the stairs that lead into the area with trees, but then turn around and look back. Looking at the basketball court from the top of the stairs you can see a ledge to your right to cross over to the trees on the other side. In the far corner in a large tree with the secret area being under it.
$300, Drugs: On the ground at the base of the tree.
$700, Drugs: On the ground at the base of the tree.
Secret 2: In the toilet on the First Floor you can find a key to the locked door in the TV Area of the Ground Floor to access this secret.
$300, Cash: On the table at the back of the room, in a small box.
$300, Cash: On the table at the back of the room, in a small box.
$300, Cash: On the table at the back of the room, in a small box.
$100, Statue: On the table at the back of the room.
$300, Statue: On the table at the back of the room.
Secret 3: In the Basement there’s a bunch of boxes stacked up on a rug at the back of the room. Move them out of the way to find a hole that leads to the secrets.
$2, Cash: On the large cart. Note: There’s 41 of these, I’m not putting them individually.
$100, Cash: On the large cards, hidden under all the cheap money once you’ve collected it.
Chapter 7: Friendly Fire
Body Count: 5
Size: 1
Payment: $8000
Collectable Cash: $8150
– Ground Floor –
$100, Cash: In the Hallway, on top of the cupboards next to where you stash the bodies.
$100, Statue: In the Hallway, under the large round mirror.
$100, Drugs: In the Hallway, under the boxes in the small cat play area.
$50, Statue: In the Living Room, on the bookshelf in the corner to the left of the window.
$300, Drugs: In the Living Room, on the table with the cacti in the corner to the left of the window.
$700, Drugs: In the Living Room, tucked in the corner next to the cabinet to the right of the double-door.
$700, Drugs: In the Living Room, on the shelf behind the computer desk, near the spaceman.
$100, Cash: In the Living Room, behind the computer desk, in the middle draw in the third set.
$100, Drugs: In the Living Room, behind the computer desk, in the bottom draw in the third set.
$300, Drugs: In the Living Room, behind the computer desk, in the middle draw in the fourth set.
$300, Statue: In the Bedroom, on the large shelving unit to the left of the bed.
$100, Jewellery: In the Bedroom, on the large shelving unit to the left of the bed.
$100, Jewellery: In the Bedroom, on the large shelving unit to the left of the bed.
$300, Cash: In the Bedroom, inside the chest of draws to the right of the bed. Note: You must collect this cash
BEFORE moving the draws back into place or they become inaccessible.
$100, Cash: In the Bedroom, on the floor next to the large white wardrobe.
$100, Cash: In the Bedroom, on the floor next to the large white wardrobe.
$100, Cash: In the Bedroom, on the floor next to the large white wardrobe.
$100, Jewellery: In the Bedroom, in the upper-left draw under the large TV.
$700, Drugs: In the Music Room, on the left side of the large cabinet.
Tape, Garnacho: In the Music Room, on the desk near all the instruments.
$50, Jewellery: In the Music Room, on the desk near all the instruments.
$100, Jewellery: In the Bathroom, next to the sink.
$100, Cash: In the Bathroom, on top of the washing machine.
$50, Statue: In the Kitchen, on the shelf under the small spotlight.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen, in the middle draw next to the fridge.
$300, Cash: In the Kitchen, in the upper-middle draw to the left of the oven.
$700, Drugs: In the Kitchen, in the microwave on top of the cabinet next to the fridge.
Tape, The End: In the Kitchen, on the shelves near the water cooler.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the Living Room, in the corner to the left of the window is a wall with a bunch of books on it. Under that is a wooden board panel that you can open up to reveal the secret.
$300, Cash: In the secret panel.
$700, Drugs: In the secret panel.
Secret 2: In the Bathroom above the washing machine is a vent cover that’s slightly wonky. Open it up to reveal the secret.
$100, Drugs: In the vent.
$700, Drugs: In the vent.
$300, Cash: In the vent.
Chapter 8: Party’s Over
Body Count: 9
Size: 3
Payment: $11500
Collectable Cash: $9254
– Outdoor –
$100, Cash: In the small garbage area behind your car, on the floor.
$100, Drugs: in the firepit area, just behind the bench nearest the big wall.
$2, Unknown: No idea what these are, but there’s two pink lumps hidden in the grass by the stairs up to the raised area.
$2, Unknown: No idea what these are, but there’s two pink lumps hidden in the grass by the stairs up to the raised area.
$100, Cash: In the sitting area with the heater, on the floor.
$100, Cash: In the sitting area with the heater, on the floor.
$100, Cash: In the sitting area with the heater, on the sofa.
$100, Cash: On the large round table next to the swimming pool.
$300, Cash: On the deckchair, sitting on a book next to the swimming pool.
– Cabins –
$50, Statue: In the Right-most cabin, on the table in the living room area.
Tape, Over Again: In the Right-most cabin, in the bathroom by the sink.
$100, Cash: In the Right-most cabin, in the bedroom area upstairs, in the upper-right draw.
$100, Cash: In the Right-most cabin, in the bedroom area upstairs, in the upper-right draw.
$300, Cash: In the Right-most cabin, in the bedroom area upstairs, under the right-side of the bed.
$300, Cash: In the middle cabin, in the bottom-right draw in the living room.
$100, Cash: In the middle cabin, in the upper-right draw in the kitchen.
$300, Cash: In the middle cabin, in the upper-right draw in the kitchen.
$100, Cash: In the middle cabin, in the bathroom by the sink.
$50, Statue: In the middle cabin, on the set of draws in the bedroom
$100, Drugs: In the middle cabin, on the left-side bedside table.
$100, Jewellery: In the middle cabin, at the small balcony, on top of the overhand in a make-shift birds nest.
$50, Jewellery: In the middle cabin, at the small balcony, on top of the overhand in a make-shift birds nest.
$50, Statue: At the far-back corner next to the left-most cabin, buried under a bunch of garbage bags.
$100, Cash: In the left-most cabin, on the round table in the would-be living room.
$100, Cash: In the left-most cabin, on the round table in the would-be living room.
$100, Cash: In the left-most cabin, on the shelf to the right of the broken ladder, in the would-be living room.
$300, Cash: In the left-most cabin, at the back next to the Water Source, hidden behind the boxes.
$300, Cash: In the left-most cabin, at the back next to the Water Source, hidden behind the boxes.
$700, Drugs: In the left-most cabin, at the back next to the Water Source, hidden behind the boxes.
$50, Statue: In the left-most cabin, upstairs, on top of the TV.
– Party House –
$100, Jewellery: In the Bathroom, on top of the washing machine.
$50, Statue: In the Living Room area, on the shelf next to the bedroom door.
$300, Drugs: In the Living Room area, under the large sofa.
Tape, Voltage Resonance: On the set of draws under the giant TV.
$100, Cash: Between the Living Room and Kitchen, on the floor to the left of the giant TV.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen, on the island kitchen unit.
$300, Cash: In the Kitchen, on the island kitchen unit.
$300, Cash: In the Kitchen, on the island kitchen unit.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen, in the bottom far-left draw.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen, in the upper-draw under the three ducks and candle.
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen, inside the sink.
$300, Cash: In the Kitchen, in the cupboard under the sink.
$100, Drugs: In the Kitchen, to the right of the sink.
$100, Drugs: In the Bedroom, on the shelf to the left of the bed.
$100, Cash: In the Bedroom, on the chest of draws in the corner near the tall plant.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the corner by the right-most Cabin are some boards that you can destroy to find the secret.
$300, Cash: On the shelf.
$300, Cash: On the shelf.
$300, Drugs: On the shelf.
$300, Drugs: On the shelf.
$300, Drugs: On the shelf.
$100, Drugs: On the shelf.
$100, Drugs: On the shelf.
$300, Drugs: On the shelf.
$100, Drugs: On the shelf.
$100, Drugs: On the shelf.
Secret 2: Between the chain-link fence around the left-most Cabin and the Swimming Pool is a small path that leads to some balloons. Behind the bush here is a hidden path that you can follow.
$700, Drugs: Hidden behind the large tree.
Tape, Lost For You: On the bench next to the radio.
Chapter 9: Modern Art
Body Count: 10
Size: 4
Payment: $14500
Collectable Cash: $11850
– Central Exhibition –
$100, Cash: In the area with all the doors, open the white door between the two bathrooms.
$100, Cash: In the area with all the doors, open the white door between the two bathrooms.
$100, Cash: In the area with all the doors, open the white door between the two bathrooms.
$100, Cash: In the area with all the doors, open the white door between the two bathrooms.
$100, Cash: In the area with all the doors, open the white door between the two bathrooms.
$100, Cash: In the area with all the doors, open the white door between the two bathrooms.
$100, Jewellery: In the area with all the doors, the nicer of the two bathrooms, on the sofa.
$100, Jewellery: In the area with all the doors, the nicer of the two bathrooms, next to the sink.
$300, Cash: Up the set of stairs with the dinos, in the fire extinguisher case.
– West Wing –
$300, Cash: In the maintenance area, in the large box in the small kitchen area.
$300, Cash: In the maintenance area, in the third locker from the left in the kitchen.
$300, Cash: In the maintenance area, near the A1 sign and the large step-stool, in the open shelf space, behind the mannequin head.
Tape, Garbage Band: As you’re putting the instruments of the band back together, the lights will go out and when they come back on the tape will appear on the floor.
$100, Drugs: On the far side of the stage with the band of mannequins.
– East Wing –
$100, Drugs: In the Yellow Room, inside the large yellow box.
$300, Cash: In the Yellow Room, up the ladder, on the table next to the bed.
Tape, Kokko Kann: In the Red Furniture Room, by the blue radio.
$100, Drugs: In the Red Furniture Room, inside the red yellow box.
$100, Cash: In the Red Furniture Room, inside the red yellow box.
$300, Cash: In the Red Furniture Room, the chest of draws with four blue draws, second one down.
$300, Cash: In the Red Furniture Room, climb up the ‘floating’ furniture, and look in the top-left draw of the one with six blue draws.
– North Wing –
Tape, Roma: In the Duck Room, go up the stairs and in the corridor beyond it’s next to the box.
$100, Cash: In the Glass Maze room, inside the box near the small basketball court.
$100, Cash: In the Glass Maze room, inside the box near the small basketball court.
$300, Cash: In the Glass Maze room, inside the box in the far corner of the maze.
$300, Cash: In the Glass Maze room, inside the box in the far corner of the maze.
$300, Cash: In the Glass Maze room, inside the box in the far corner of the maze.
$100, Cash: In the Glass Maze room, on the upper balcony access from the stairs in the Central Exhibition.
– Upper Passage –
$300, Cash: Up the stairs from the Central Exhibition and behind the large statue near the green wall.
– Cafeteria –
$100, Drugs: Upstairs, to the right as you walk through the door from the Upper Passage, on a table.
$300, Cash: Upstairs, in one of the large leather chairs facing the large picture of fruit.
$100, Drugs: Upstairs, on the long bench overlooking the Red Furniture Room.
$100, Cash: On the floor at the bottom of the stairs.
$100, Cash: On the floor at the bottom of the stairs.
$100, Cash: On the floor at the bottom of the stairs.
$300, Cash: On the arm-rest of the large leather sofa.
$300, Cash: On a small table under the two large screens.
$300, Drugs: On a small table under the two large screens.
$100, Cash: On the floor under the two large screens.
$100, Cash: On the floor under the two large screens.
$300, Cash: On the large leather sofa to the right under the two dollar-sign balloons.
$100, Cash: On the floor in front of the bar.
$100, Drugs: On the floor in front of the bar.
$100, Cash: On the floor in front of the bar.
$100, Cash: On the floor in front of the bar.
$100, Cash: On the floor in front of the bar.
$100, Cash: On the bar.
$700, Drugs: On the bar.
$100, Cash: On the floor behind the bar.
$100, Drugs: Behind the bar, on the side near the chopped lemon.
$300, Cash: Behind the bar, on the shelf above the microwave.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the Glass Maze room, there’s six TV which you can change the colour on. You have to enter the correct code to open the secret. The code is on the TVs in the West Wing maintenance area. The top row is Red, Grey, Green and the bottom row is Orange, Blue, Grey. Enter those into the TVs in the Glass Maze and the secret will open.
Tape, Economy Of Pain: Grab the Katana and then slice apart all the mannequins that appear. Once they’re all in pieces, the door will open and another mannequin will be holding the tape.
Secret 2: In the West Wing, look for the row of cassette tape boxes going up the wall in the music area. At the top of the row is a cassette tape that’s glowing. You have to open each box and jump onto it one at a time. Once you reach the tape, press it and a nearby wall will slide open.
$300, Jewellery: Inside the golden box.
$50, Jewellery: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
$300, Cash: Inside the golden box.
Chapter 10: Call In Dead
Body Count: 13
Size: 4
Payment: $17500
Collectable Cash: $13533
– Underground Parking –
$300, Statue: Up the stairs, turn right just before the door and it’s in a box on the other side of the forklift.
– Hall Ground Floor –
$100, Cash: Near the lift, inside the small room-box, in a small box near the table.
$100, Cash: Near the lift, inside the small room-box, in a small box near the table.
$100, Cash: Near the lift, inside the small room-box, in a small box near the table.
$300, Statue: From the door to the underground there’s a small set of step to the right, inside a box just beyond them.
$300, Statue: From the small slope under where the conveyer belt curves, look for a table covering in paperwork. Beyond it to the right is a box with the statue in it.
$300, Statue: Towards the back of the area, near the door with the ‘02’ label on it is a large box with a cloth draped over it. On top of that is a small box with the statue in it.
– Power Supply –
$100, Cash: Down by the generator that you have to turn on, there’s a small red shelf with the money on top of it half under a small box.
– Colourful Boxes –
$100, Cash: In the small bathroom, the right-most stall, on the toilet.
$300, Statue: Near the bathroom there’s a blue door marker ‘01’. Climb up the small steps and over the boxes to find the statue in a small box.
$100, Cash: On the other side of the area in front of the boxes are two tables, the money is on a crate on the other side of them.
$100, Cash: On the other side of the area in front of the boxes are two tables, the money is on a crate on the other side of them.
$300, Cash: On the other side of the area in front of the boxes are two tables, the money is on a crate on the other side of them.
– Hall First Floor –
Nothing that I could find.
– Workspace –
$100, Cash: In the Kitchen area, on the table is a metal box labelled ‘Human Organs’, look inside.
$300, Cash: In the Kitchen area, the middle draw of the middle row of the cupboards.
$100, Jewellery: In the Office room, on the desk with the working monitor.
$100, Jewellery: In the Office room, on the desk with the working monitor.
$100, Cash: In the Office room, on the desk next to the blank whiteboard under the light.
$100, Cash: In the Office room, on the table by the three chairs.
$100, Cash: In the Office room, on the table by the three chairs.
$100, Cash: In the Office room, on the table by the three chairs.
$100, Cash: In the Office room, in the corner by the door that leads to the Control room, tucked in an in-out box.
– Control Room –
$100, Cash: Above the four lockers, sticking out of a vent.
– Container Lot –
$300, Statue: Inside the white container, at the back on a box.
$100, Cash: Inside the blue container in the middle of the area, under a rubber ducky.
Tape, Eine Woche Eine Ende: Inside the blue container by the forklift, inside the hotdog tin.
$100, Drugs: Inside the blue container by the forklift, inside the box with the bottles
$300, Statue: Inside the blue container by the forklift, on top of the large box at the back of the container.
$700, Statue: Cross over the yellow container that you lift up, and then drop down onto the lower of the containers. Inside the blue one is the statue.
– Sorting Room –
Nothing that I could find, outside of the Secret.
– Office –
$33, Jewellery: On the desk of the receptionist, by the phone.
$300, Statue: In the corner by the leather chair.
$300, Statue: On the right side of the main desk.
$300, Statue: On the left side of the main desk.
Tape, Classic Music Collection: On the set of draws by the radio.
– Secrets –
Secret 1: In the Hall Ground Floor, near to where the conveyer belt curves around and starts heading up, there’s a series of boxes that form a climbable slope up against one of the tall set of shelves. Climb up, and near the top is the secret.
$300, Statue: Up the two boards, inside a small box.
$300, Cash: Opposite the two boards, duck under the metal bar and at the end of the platform.
$300, Cash: Opposite the two boards, duck under the metal bar and at the end of the platform.
Secret 2: Take the key from the small box-room near the lift in the Hall Ground Floor and head down to the power area to unlock the door.
Tape, Up&Down: The tape on the small table behind the curtain.
Secret 3: In the Power Supply area, at the very power where the generator you have to turn on is, there’s a vent right next to it that you can break and crawl through to find the secret.
$300, Cash: At the end of the vent before the room with flowers.
$700, Drugs: At the end of the vent before the room with flowers.
$50, Statue: At the end of the vent before the room with flowers.
$100, Cash: On the table by the large window, behind the laptop.
$300, Cash: On the table by the large window, in the wooden box.
$100, Statue: In the left-most of the blue lockers.
$100, Cash: On the blue cabinet near all the plants.
$100, Cash: On the blue cabinet near all the plants.
Secret 4: In the Container Lot, use the yellow container that you can pick up to cross over the other wide and drop down onto the other containers. Look for a blue container with the wooden board sticking out of it, and open it up to find a Key inside. Take this key to the Sorting Room and unlock the door in that area.
$50, Statue: In the room.
$700, Statue: In the room.
$700, Statue: In the room.
$300, Statue: In the room.
$700, Statue: In the room.
$100, Statue: In the room.
$100, Statue: In the room.
$300, Statue: In the room.
$300, Cash: In the room.
$300, Cash: In the room.
$300, Cash: In the room.
Tape, Celestial Empire: In the room.
Secret 5: In the Control room, look up and you’ll see some a vent with a cloth draped over it and some coloured pipes leading to a vent. You need to get up to that vent. Best way I’ve found is to get the ladder from your inventory, put it against the lockers in the corner and jump on top of them. Then get onto the vent and from there onto the coloured piped. You can then smash open the vent and get into the secret room.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.
$300, Cash: Inside the safe.