Deadlock Map Guide – Complete Objectives & Locations

Welcome to another guide, this time we will give you information about Deadlock Map Guide and Complete Map Objectives & Icons Tips. Again this guide is originally created by Kyo.

Deadlock Map Guide – Complete Objectives & Icons Tips

What does each icon on the Deadlock map represent?

Deadlock Map Guide

Where do I buy items?

Shops are available to buy items inside your base, as well as in each lane. In addition to this, there are two secret shops near mid. The difference between these kinds of shops is that:

  • Lane shops will close when the lane guardian in their lane dies.
  • Base and secret shops will stay open all game.

What’s a Cosmic Veil?

At various places around the map, you will come across Cosmic Veils. These either look gray or tinted with a rainbow shimmer. These will never block movement, but only allow sight one way. If you are on the gray side, you cannot see to the other side of the barrier. If you are on the rainbow side, you can see through the barrier as if nothing was there.

What’s a bounce pad Location Deadlock?

A small orange pad on the ground that will propel you upward.

What are the temporary buffs?

Temporary power ups that spawn on the bridges overlooking the soul urn locations. They can buff your health and regen, your magazine size and fire rate, your cooldown speed and spirit power or your stamina and sprint speed.

What are teleporters?

Deadlock Map Location

Teleporters are small closet-like cutouts that can transport you two ways laterally across the map to their pair. They take some time to channel after you step inside, but will instantly teleport you once channeling is complete. They are closed for the first 10 minutes of the match.

What is jungling?

Is there a dedicated jungler? Jungling refers to killing the neutral creep camps scattered around the map. They are not a viable sole source of income as they do not spawn at the beginning of the match and are worth considerably less than trooper waves, but they are a valuable addition to your income.

Any time you aren’t busy with an important map objective (pushing waves, capturing urn, team fighting), camps are a good way to fill time and gain souls. SINNER S SACRIFICE

What are the different jungle camps and how do I find them?

There are three normal camp types, and one special one. The normal camps are either easy, medium or hard with higher health and damage as you go up the scale.

Safe camps are special in that they have Sinner’s Sacrifice machines that can be broken with melee attacks to gain souls. As each melee attack will deal a flat amount of damage back to you, you should use charged melee when destroying them.

What are unsecured souls in Deadlock and how do I secure them?

Unsecured souls are souls that you will drop on death. They are always counted toward your total soul count. You will gain unsecured souls if you kill jungle camps, collect souls from crates or pick them up after someone else died with them.

Souls will become secured slowly over time, but this is unreliable, and you should use them to purchase items to reduce the risk of dying and dropping them. How many of your total souls are unsecured is represented by a silver-green ball on your hip and a number with a red icon in your HUD.

What is the soul urn?

An objective that spawns inside the chalk outlines towards the inner sides of the yellow or purple lanes. When captured, it provides your entire team with souls that scale based on the length of the match and difference in team net worth.

If you are the player who captured the urn, you additionally gain +25% souls and +1 Ability Point. When capturing the urn, be aware the souls produced can be denied by the enemy. In addition, carrying the urn causes you to become unable to use items, abilities, or your guns. If you have a movement ability, using it as you step on the urn will allow usage while carrying it.

What is mid-boss in Deadlock?

An objective that spawns in the middle of the map after 10 minutes have passed. Killing the mid-boss will cause the rejuvenator to drop. A global announcement will play when it reaches half health and when it dies. •

Why can’t I kill mid-boss?

To damage mid-boss, you must enter the lower floor of the pit he resides in. Once there, there is a continuous DPS check that you must pass before mid-boss will take damage to his actual health bar.

What is the rejuvenator?

The rejuvenator is a green crystal that will slowly descend after defeating mid-boss accompanied by a Reju ator musical cue. Once it lands, you must heavy melee it to capture it for your team. Be aware that even if your team killed mid-boss, the enemy team could steal it by hitting it 40 /61 first.

Upon securing the rejuvenator, you will receive a buff called rejuvenation credit that allows all members MOUSE4 Heavy Melee to claim Rejuvenator of your team to respawn 50% faster one time.

In addition, even if all rejuvenation credits are used up, your team will gain additional fire rate and your team’s troopers will gain 50% HP to help you push. Both effects last 3 minutes from when the rejuvenator is secured.

Why does it always seem like I’m behind on souls?

In the laning phase, try to value last hits and denies above harassing the enemy laner. Harassing the enemy laner is mainly a means to gain control of the lane so you can collect souls easier, rather than the goal of the lane. Later in the match, always be busy.

If you see enemy trooper waves approaching a structure, try to get there before they die. Every time an enemy trooper wave dies without a player on your team last hitting them, you fall further behind the enemy team. If all your lanes are pushed out, consider collecting urn or killing jungle camps to keep gaining income. Finally, try to have as high a kill participation as possible.

Kills and assists on enemy heroes add up greatly over time, and if you’re too busy killing an easy jungle camp while your team wipes the enemy team, you’re the one who’s going to be behind on souls, not them. Something to also keep in mind is that before the 10 minute mark, you get half soul value from troopers on last hit and another half on hitting their soul orb.

After 10 minutes, this changes so that you only receive souls from the orb. What this means is that denies will take away 100% soul value instead of only half, making them incredibly strong at this stage of the game onwards.