While few achievements are stand-alone, the rest are interdependent. That means, that as you progress toward some achievements, others will also progress. Let’s begin…
(Bugged achievement: 0)
(If you are having any problem getting any particular achievement, quit the game check the integrity of your local files, and then try again.)
Plant & Harvest
Achievement: As green as a gourd
Criteria: Plant your first crop
Description: Simple enough – plough the land (left click) and plant your first crop from the shop (Q) in your farm; preferably a lettuce.
Achievement: The apple never falls far from the tree
Criteria: Plant your first tree
Description: Buy a tree from your shops (Q) and plant it; preferably an apple tree.
Achievement: No garden without its weeds
Criteria: Plant your first flower
Description: From your shops menu (Q) buy and plant your first flower; preferably a rose.
Achievement: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Criteria: Buy your first animal
Description: Buy any animal from the shop (Q); a leghorn chicken will be least costly.
Achievement: Bigger fish to fry
Criteria: Buy your first pond
Description: Buy your first fish from the shop (Q) and place the tile. preferably a clownfish.
Achievement: Never do things by halves
Criteria: Harvest 10,000 items
Description: By harvesting 10k of any item like crop / tree /. flower / animal / fish or a mix of it you will get this.
Achievement: Everything is good in its season
Criteria: Harvest 50,000 items
Description: By harvesting 50k of any item like crop / tree /. flower / animal / fish or a mix of it you will get this.
Achievement: He who plants a garden plants happiness
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 crops
Description: Harvest total 25k crops to get this.
Achievement: He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 trees
Description: Harvesting of any tree counts – when 25k will be done, you get this.
Achievement: Who goes barefoot must not plant thorns
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 flowers
Description: Any flower counts – when 25k will be done, you get this.
Achievement: Never fry a fish till it’s caught
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 ponds
Description: You will get this after catching 25k fishes.
Achievement: It is a good horse that never stumbles
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 animals
Description: You will get this when you will finish harvesting 25k animals.
Achievement: All good things come to him who waits
Criteria: Harvest any crop or flower that takes a day or more to grow
Description: You should harvest at least any one… among the flowers Salamanca Carnation (2d) or White Liberty Carnation (1d) and among the crops Red Spinach (1d 12h) / Pumpkin (1d) / Brussels Sprouts (2d) / Common Spinach (1d) / Bany Boo Pumpkin (2d) / Acorn Pumpkin (1d 12h).
Achievement: There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments
Criteria: Plow 100,000 tiles
Description: As the description says, keep ploughing the land of your farm until count reaches to 100k tiles.
Achievement: It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease
Criteria: Use the tractor on 500,000 tiles
Description: Plough or harvest – whatever, of any item type will count but will take time, stay patient and continue. It will be done in time.
Achievement: Honesty is the best policy
Criteria: Finish your first quest
Description: As the description says – finish the first 1 quest in your farm.
Achievement: Do as you would be done by
Criteria: Finish 10 quests
Description: Simply finish 10 quests in your farm.
Achievement: Deeds, not words
Criteria: Finish 50 quests
Description: You get this after finishing the 50th quest in your farm.
Achievement: Fortune favours the bold
Criteria: Discard any quest
Description: When in the farm press ESC for hover menu. Click -> Quest Log. You will see your available quest-list at the left and one quest description at right. So, at the right, below the quest description click the Discard (Z) button. Game will ask you for confirmation and when done you get this.
Achievement: Talk is cheap
Criteria: Complete any townsfolk errand
Description: “Errand” means” a short and quick trip to accomplish a specific purpose” or simply – completing a task going somewhere. So, going to the town do a business with a npc there… give something to get something as they ask for.
Achievement: Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Criteria: Complete 50 townsfolk errands
Description: Do 50 business with the npcs going to the town. Note that if you quit the game and re-run after waiting some time for the day to be changed then in the town you will get new set of business from the npcs.
Achievement: All is well that ends well
Criteria: Finish an errand of a seasonal event
Description: (Seasonal events will come later. Halloween is / was the first event.)
Achievement: If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well
Criteria: Finish all errands of a seasonal event
Description: (Seasonal events will come later. Halloween is / was the first event.
“Terraform” become available for your land after you start the “Landscaping Agency” in the town.
Once done be back to your farm for the hands on. By this method you can flatten lands or make hills (raise) or lower whatever you want but each click of such successful activity will cost you 10 diamonds.
Open shops -> Terrain, and notice that you can perform on these 3 types of lands…
Click on a type and you will notice that a drone has appeared. So, go near a such matching type of land area of your farm to flatten or raise it. Note that the arrows of the blue highlighted structure can be altered by Z to flatten or raise. The following pictures (raise / lower / flatten) may clear your concept more if you are new.