Grimguard Tactics Hero Team Build – Best Team Compositions

Short Grimguard Tactics Hero Team Build – Best Team Compositions guide: These terms and concepts are mine alone and used only in this guide, and I use my own jargon since there isn’t a proper player lingo in the game.

The info can be outdated so this guide may not be viable/applicable in the future patches/updates, BUT what I can give is a theory on what may be expected on making your team.

Grimguard Tactics Hero Team Build – Best Team Compositions

Main Theory Team Compositions

Aggro: Do as much quick damage as possible to your opponent (can deal damage or finish games in 1-3 rounds)

Tempo: Have more stats than the opponent on the field (does buffs, heals, etc.)

Control: Stall for time until you play big finishers (Uses stuns, charms, pins, debuffs)

Subteam Compositions

  • Buildup: More early turn finishers
  • Midtempo: Faster control team
  • Absolute Terenos: Stall for big combo

Made this short illustration guide type of team comps, they can be interchangeable, this may be used in campaign/dungeon/arena and be changed to your liking (Not all of the team comps are fixed and can be mixed).

In Theory (but not always)

  • Aggro beats Tempo
  • Tempo beats Control
  • Control beats Aggro

Types of Heroes/Comps

Budget: Can be used with minimal resources. Usable straight from recruitment but will need leveling up.

Charged: Heroes invested in by ascending/leveling around legendary and above.

Imbued: MAX out heroes expected to be Dawn Seekers.