Hello everyone, we’re going to provide you with the Heroes Online World Trello Link. So read on for the Heroes Online World Trello Link, Wiki, and get up-to-date with all of the game’s features with this Heroes Online World Trello.
Heroes Online World Trello, Wiki Link
If you play Roblox then you would be aware that Most Roblox games have a Trello, an official one made by developers to help the players understand the game’s basics and cover every aspect of the game. These Trello are created by game developers or some gamers who love to play Heroes Online World.
Basically, people create these Trello to help other players so that others can learn about games basis. In Trello, you find information about characters and much more.
Heroes Online World Trello Link [Official]
Below we have shared the Heroes Online World Link Trello(We have manually verified that this is the official one) —
- https://trello.com/b/Go50Xe98/heroes-online-world
(1): $kick username time (in seconds)
(2): $tp
>> $tp all
>> $tp username
>> $tp random
$tp all will tp all heroes in the game to you; $tp username will tp that user to you; $tp random will tp a random user in the game to you
(3): $god/ungod
>> $god/ungod all
>> $god/ungod username
>> $god/ungod random
$god username will make that user invincible (or un-killable, they take no damage), $ungod username undoes the action (they can now be damaged and die)
(4): $tag on/off
>>$tag on
>>$tag off
$tag on will make all the name tags of all users visible, and $tag off will make all the name tags of all users invisible
(5): $all on/off
>>$all on
>>$all off
$all on will make all the guys visible and all the tags visible, and $all off will make all of the guys invisible and all of the nametags invisible. Good for like pictures.
(1): $fix
>> $fix will, if you’re stuck on the floor, get you out of the floor. Still a little experimental but I’ve tested it and it works the majority of the time. CD: 15s.
(2): $gamepasses
$gamepasses will give you any character that you purchased but do not have in your inventory
$night – permanently sets it tonight
$day – permanently sets it today
$cyclus – turns back to the current loop of day/night
That’s all you’ll need to find the Trello and Discord for Heroes Online World.