Scarmonde Walkthrough & Beginner Guide – Clases List

In this guide, I will explain the Scarmonde Walkthrough & breaking down early gameplay class selection without any subclasses

For this we will be breaking down the starting part of the game for each of the 12 classes to help you better select your team.

Please note this does no include subclasses or late gameplay info.

This Guide will cover basic info about all classes including basic growth estimates. Please be advised based on how you play and sub classes, what stuff you get and such will change your play experience with the classes which allows for a great amount of replay-ability gameplay wise.

Each Class has a role that can fill well based on how you give them passives and abilities, Also thier gear and subclasses I’ve broken it down to a set roles and marked each character what roles they will best suit.

Tank – Takes the Hits of the Team
Dpser – Deals the Physical Damage
Caster – Deals the Magic Damage
Support – Buffs and Debuffs
Healer – Heals, Cures Status, and Revives

When making a team you want to make sure you have at the very least a Tanker and Healer. If you want to do the easiest playthrough best to have something like this.

Beginner Recommended Party:
Tank: Paladin/Warrior
Dpser: Warrior/Knight/Hunter
Caster: Mage/Sage
Healer: Cleric

Final Fantasy Style Party:
Tank: Paladin
Dpser: Thief/Monk
Healer: Cleric
Caster: Mage/Sage

Dragon Quest Style Party:
Tank: Warrior/Paladin
Dpser: Thief/Warrior
Caster: Mage/Sage
Support: Dancer/Bard

Attack Effects on Hit seem to be about 5% each effected by Luck.
Defending while reducing damage and raising ailment resist while defending some get added benefits on top of it.
Skills: Does not include the Separate Passive Skill List

Innate Skills: Are unique things that that character has that sets them out from the base a few characters a few things with other characters but it gives a base idea about them.

Growth Rate: Is split into 3 Grades: Low, Mid, High for Growth Rates. I’ll only be covering the most basic of stats Max Hp, Max Mp, P Atk, P Def, M Atk, M Def. This also only accounts for low level growth it doesnt take into account to any changes made beyond the first half of the game.

Warrior (Tank or Dpser)


Capable fighters able to equip a wide range of Weapons. Can Equip Heavy and Light Armour, Warriors may also learn Basic Healing Spells

Weaponry: Sword, Axe, Spear, Bow, Club
Armour: Shield, Light, Heavy

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit: Stun
Defending: None
Skills: Multi-Slash, Multi-Pierce, Multi-Bash, Taunt, Hold, Break, Recover, Cleansing Aura, Counter Attack, P. Hit +20%, Counter +35%, Added Strike +1

Innate Skill: +10% More Exp (Similar Relic: Battleborn Pin) +25% Counter (Similar Relic: Pocket Dagger)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP High
  • Max MP Low
  • P. Atk High
  • P. Def Mid
  • M. Atk Low
  • M Def. Low

Knight (Tank or Dpser)

Knight (Tank or Dpser)

Physical powerhouse that focuses on utilizing thier overwhelming might to destory thier foes. Can Equip select weapons and Heavy Armor. Cannot naturally cast magic and are slower than most Classes

Weaponry: Sword, Axe, Club
Armour: Shield, Heavy

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit: None
Defending: None
Skills: Tackle, Double Attack, Critical Strike, Break Strike, Cripple Strike, Piercer, Plague Smash, Devastate, Crit +10%, Physical Res. +15%, Crit Evade +10%, P. Atk+25%

Innate Skill: +10% Crit Evade (Similar Relic: None)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP High
  • Max MP Low
  • P. Atk High
  • P. Def High
  • M. Atk Low
  • M Def. Low

Cleric (Healer)

Cleric (Healer)

Masters of Light and Healing Magic, These devout pilgrims can equip light armour and basic weaponry.

Weaponry: Dagger, Staff
Armour: Shield, Light

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit: None
Defending: Recover MP
Skills: Smite, Radiance, Exorcism, Nosight, Quiet, Snooze, Weaken, Slow, Recover, Warm Embrace, Angel Feather, Fairy Light, Recovery Field, Creator’s Blessing, Cleansing Aura, Light of Purity, Purging, Lifegiver, Rebirth, Phoenix Rising, Item Str +25%, Light Res +25%, Crit Evade +10%, Mp +5

Innate Skill: 15% Recovery Magic/Items (Similar Relic: Cleric Symbol)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP Mid
  • Max MP Mid
  • P. Atk Low
  • P. Def Low
  • M. Atk High
  • M Def. High

Mage (Caster)

Mage (Caster)

Fearsome Spellcasters capable of learning the greatest Black Magics. Mages can Equip Light Armour and basic Weaponry.

Weaponry: Staff
Armour: Light

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit: None
Defending: Mp Recover
Skills: Fireball, Eruption, Sunsphere, Icicle, Glacier, Borealis, Shock, Lightning, Fulmination, Gust, Squall, Tornado, Debris, Boulder Toss, Stalagmite, Void, Fervor, Snowstorm, Electrify, Windstorm, Sandstorm, Otherside, Poison, Nosight, Snooze, Hold, Curse, Shatter, Mind Break, Fire Res +20%, Ice Res +20%, Thunder Res +20%, Earth Res +20%, Wind Res +20%

Innate Skill: Magic Evade +10% (Similar Relic: Fairy Wings)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP Low
  • Max MP Mid
  • P. Atk Low
  • P. Def Low
  • M. Atk High
  • M Def. High

Thief (Dpser or Support)

Thief (Dpser or Support)

Agile tricksters able to steal items from enemies and learn a variety of debilitating spells. Thieves wield basic weaponry and light armour.

Weaponry: Dagger
Armour: Shield, Light

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit: None
Defending: None
Skills: Steal, Fireball, Void, Black Spot, Otherside, Poison, Nosight, Smokescreen, Snooze, Dream Wold, Weaken, Break, Slow, Hasten, Absorb, Magistep, P. Evade +10%, Attack Speed +5, Extra Turn +1

Innate Skill: +10% Physical Evade (Similar Relic: Shadow Cloak) +10% Crit Evade (Similar Relic: None) +25% Poison Resist (Similar Relic: Green Pendant) +25% Blind Resist (Similar Relic: Thick Goggles)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP Mid
  • Max MP Low
  • P. Atk High
  • P. Def Mid
  • M. Atk Low
  • M Def. Mid

Monk (Dps, Caster, Healer)

Monk (Dps, Caster, Healer)

Hand to Hand combat Specialist. They forgo shields to demolish enemies with their fists. Monk can equip Light Armour and learn basic Healing and Might magic.

Weaponry: Fists
Armour: Light

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit: Stun
Defending: None
Skills: Debris, Boulder Toss, Stalagmite, Smite, Radiance, Exorcism, Force, Psycho Shot, Explosion, Force Missle, Quiet, Hold, Shatter, Mind Break, Recover, Warm Embrace, Fairy Light, Cleansing Aura, Light of Purity, Lifegiver, M. Evade +10%, Mp Cost – 50%, Added Strike +1

Innate Skill: +10% Physical Evade (Similar Relic: Shadow Cloak) +10% Crit Evade (Similar Relic: None) +50% Counter (Similar Relic: Pocket Dagger)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP Mid
  • Max MP Mid
  • P. Atk Mid
  • P. Def Low
  • M. Atk High
  • M Def. High

Paladin (Tank or Healer)

Paladin (Tank or Healer)

Steadfast Guardians of Justice. Gifted with strudy defences and the ability to cast Light and Healing Magic. Paladins specialize in wielding swords and can only equip Heavy Armour

Weaponry: Sword, Staff
Armour: Shield, Heavy

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit: Silence
Defending: Mp Recovery
Skills: Smite, Radiance, Quiet, Antimagica, Recover, Warm Embrace, Angel Feather, Fairy Light, Recovery Field, Cleansing Aura, Light of Purity, Purging, Lifegiver, Rebirth, Wisdomia, Barrier, Light Boon, Aggro +100%, Physical Res +15%, Hp Recovery +10%, Mp +10

Innate Skill: Recover 3% of Max Hp per Turn (Similar Relic: Health Ring) +100% Aggro (Similar Relic: Bottled Hate)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP Mid
  • Max MP Low
  • P. Atk Low
  • P. Def High
  • M. Atk Mid
  • M Def. High

Hunter (Dpser, Caster or Support)

Hunter (Dpser, Caster or Support)

Expertly wields a bow and is capable of learnin Wind, Earth, and Various debilitating magics. Hunters can only equip Light Armour. As a innate passive, Hunters also increase the amount and frequency of items obtained after battle.

Weaponry: Sword, Axe, Bow, Club
Armour: Shield, Light

Combat Info:

Attack Effect on Hit:
Defending: None
Skills: Shock, Lightning, Gust, Squall, Electrify, Lightning Storm, Windstorm, Cyclone, Poison, Poison Cloud, Nosight, Smokescreen, Snooze, Dreamworld, Muddle, Mass Confusion, Absorb, Wind Boon, P.Hit +20%, Crit +10%, Item Str +25%

Innate Skill: Increase Item Drop rates and amounts. (Similar Relic: Greedy Pouch) +25% Crit (Similar Relic: Crit Bracer)

Growth Rates:

  • Max HP Low
  • Max MP Low
  • P. Atk High
  • P. Def Mid
  • M. Atk High
  • M Def. Mid