Shotgun King The Final Checkmate Guide – How to get Hippocracy/Commoner’s Reign, Marital Peace/The Blight, End of the World/4 Horsemen, and New Job

Here is a complete guide on Shotgun King The Final Checkmate Guide – How to get Hippocracy/Commoner’s Reign, Marital Peace/The Blight, End of the World/4 Horsemen, and New Job

Shotgun King The Final Checkmate Guide

Hippocracy/Commoner’s Reign

Requires white to have King’s Look-Alike. Black must have a card that adds the ability to sabotage white (Such as Underground Mission or The Mole). On any floor (excluding Boss Floor) with the above conditions fufilled, activate your sabotage card and use it to disable King’s Look-Alike. You must do this before revealing the Usurper. After you disable King’s Look-Alike damage the remaining king. This will reveal them to be the Usurper, and with no actual king the Knight is crowned and King’s Look-Alike is replaced by Commoner’s Reign, granting you the Hippocracy Achievement.

The Blight/Marital Peace

White must have the card Iron Maiden. I recommend you ensure theres only 1 queen with Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden’s spawning requirements were changed to require 2 queens on the board, and now removes 1 queen.
Get to the Boss Floor and make sure there is only 1 queen remaining once you kill the White King. This will summon the blight.

Try to avoid cards that add even more queens, and you’ll have to either kill the White King quickly or kill all of the pawns first. Incase you have multiple queens on the boss floor the few cards that can kill Iron Queens such as knockback (i think) or King’s Shoulders can be helpful.

Tips for the Boss:

Try to avoid cards that can infinitely grant white more peaces, such as conscription or military academy. They can overwhelm you surprisingly quickly, especially with the added pressure of the Blight’s attacks. Knockback can be useful as I believe knocking the Blight off the board works and instantkills them, assuming the game is consistent between this and the Horsemen. It can be difficult to be close too the blight thanks to their constant attack spam, so more range and smaller fire arcs are very useful. After defeating the blight you will get Marital Peace.

The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalyse/End of the World/New Job

White must have Undead Armies. On the boss floor when you slay the white king there must be exactly 4 knights alive. Military Academy can be useful if you have too few knights and don’t want to rely on Pawn Promotion RNG. Knights are relativly easy to kill so it shouldn’t be a big worry if there’s too many. Try to avoid Nomad Life since it will cause knights to rush to the 8th rank and promote.

Tips for the Boss

The horsemen aren’t as overwhelming as the Blight can be, especially since there’s far less attacks at any given moment. Still you should avoid too many enemy pieces being on the board. The horsemen start on the 4 corners of the board, so high knockback could easily instant kill 1 or 2 if you are lucky or well positioned.

New Job

You must be disguised as a pawn when the 4 horsemen are summoned. This is a bit more difficult then it sounds.

You must have Low-Cost Disguise, and either execute the White King (Boss) with blade or have the Silencer card. I would recommend getting another copy of Low-Cost Disguise, as it would make it a lot easier to maintain a disguise. Try to avoid having too few pawns on the boss stage, as you might literally run out of disguises. If possible Conscription would be useful as a renewable source of disguises. Don’t worry about planning beyond killing the white king, as getting new job skips 4 horsemen of the apocalypse