In this article, you will find Soulmask Guide & Walkthrough – 15 TIPS for new players in Soulmask. This game was released on 31 May 2024 and It was developed and published by CampFire Studio and Qooland Games
Below you can find all 15 TIPS for new players.
Soulmask Guide Wiki & Walkthrough – 15 TIPS for new players
1. After creating your character, what should you do?
Once you enter the game, you can start by finding a base location that you like. Then, start gathering sticks and stones from the ground to create basic tools.
2. What if I can’t place a bonfire after building my base?
Before constructing your base, check if you can place a bonfire in the desired location. This way, you can ensure that your base is not too close to other players’ bonfires, which could prevent you from placing your own bonfire later on. Alternatively, you can play in single-player mode, where this issue won’t arise.
3. Why does my bonfire keep going out?
After placing the bonfire, if you continue to build your base, make sure to cover the bonfire with flooring or a roof to prevent rainwater from extinguishing it. Also, ensure that there is enough fuel inside the bonfire, preferably logs or hardwood, to keep it burning. Regarding the decay mechanic: As long as the bonfire keeps burning, the buildings within its range will not decay. During the early access stage of the game, players can adjust various parameters in single-player mode to customize their own gaming experience. The decay mechanic of the game will also continue to be optimized.
4. What if I can’t find clay?
You can open the map and look for locations such as lakes or other bodies of water. Clay is usually found nearby and appears as brownish-gray stones in the game.
5.What if eating raw meat may cause poisoning?
It is advisable to cook the meat obtained from animals as soon as possible. This can effectively extend its freshness. Eating cooked food not only reduces the risk of poisoning but also provides additional bonus effects.
6. The night is too dark?
Increase the Gamma and Exposure Compensation settings in the game options to make the darkness more manageable. You won’t have to fear the darkness anymore!
7. What if I suddenly faint?
Check if it’s because your character’s stamina has been depleted due to lack of sleep. You can manually craft a bed to rest and restore your stamina. Alternatively, you can choose to “Respawn” near a bonfire, where your stamina will automatically be replenished to full.
8. What should I do if I enter a feign death state?
Use bandages or other healing items to recover your health. Once your health is fully restored, you can resume your actions!
9. What should I do if I get too tired while traveling?
Try to build additional bonfires near resource points in the wilderness. This way, you can respawn in the game and revive near the resource point, saving time on traveling.
10. Before taming NPCs, it is recommended to reduce your carrying weight as much as possible. When carrying an NPC, their weight will contribute to your total carrying weight. If your carrying weight is already high, you may find yourself unable to move quickly while carrying the NPC. Regarding taming NPCs: After taming an NPC, it is recommended to prioritize changing their name or adding a note to them. This will make it easier to quickly identify the corresponding NPC when assigning tasks or managing them in the future.
11. What should I do if I can’t defeat enemies in the jungle?
In the early stages of the game, it is recommended to use a combination of a spear and a shield. Utilize the high damage reduction capability of the shield along with your character’s evasion ability to decrease the difficulty of combat to some extent.
12. What should I do if I can’t hit the close-range bush dog with a hammer?
You can use the charged attack of the hammer or switch to weapons like gauntlet, dual blades, or other melee weapons to attack small, close-range targets.
13. What should I do if I don’t have enough stamina?
You can craft food items like pumpkin pies, grilled fruit kebabs, or other stamina-restoring meals at the bonfire or stove. These will help increase your stamina recovery ability.
14. What should I do if there are too many enemies to defeat?
You can utilize the special skill of the spear to pull enemies towards you from a distance and then defeat them one by one. This allows you to control the engagement and take on enemies individually.
15. What should I do if I get killed by enemies and lose all my equipment?
When crafting weapons or equipment, it is recommended to keep a few higher-tier items in your inventory. This way, after respawning, you can quickly equip yourself with better gear and return to the location of your death to retrieve all your lost items.