Type Soul UPDATE PART 2 was finally rolled out on July 27th, 2024. The update has several new Arrancar’s and Quincy. Apart from these new things develoeprs hase fixed so many bug and just like other update so mnay units has got nerf ans buff.
Here’s everything developed has been shared in Type Soul UPDATE PART 2 Patch Notes & Update Logs.
UPDATE PART 2 Patch Notes & Update Log
- New Quincy’s Legendary Weapon “Great Lance“
- New Arrancar’s Legendary Weapon “Serpentinite Breaker” and “Cerocrusher”
- New Arrancar’s Rare Weapon “Elipson”
- New Arrancar’s Mythic Res “Snake” (Segunda will be added later on in the next weekly)
- New Hakuda Universal “Unstable”
- Added Acid Segunda (Smog has alternate functions when you hold G, Catalyze requires your opponent to be Blighted.)
- Blackflash has been reworked and now functions as a universal ultra skill
- During weekends, boosted drop rates is activated for: Boss Raids, All in-game raids, Ranked, Clan Wars and
- Arena. AFK World starts you with 10 Soulian Streak in weekends
Quality of Life / Bug fixes
- Added top HP bar for Raid Bosses / Bankai Bosses
- Hovering over bars such as Health / Reiatsu now shows their percentage
- Added cooldown indicator after skill is used
- Boss raid UI is more consistent
- Fixed all odds discrepancies in rerolling alongside mismatched rarity texts
- Fixed issues with Barber custom clothing, changed the way it gets roblox clothing templates, it shouldn’t
- stress the server every time it tires to load in. People shouldn’t brick anymore.
- Removed lunged on barragan axe
- Fixed spirit X being hit still keeps on charging the skill
- Fixed Razor Edge booming you if you were in mortal ties
- Fixed Razor Edge crit breaking you if you didn’t hit someone
- Fixed Vastocar/Visored Variant Reroll
- Fixed sometimes spawning in with no clothing
- Upon joining if you have a skill/item equipped that doesn’t exist in your skills/item inventory it will automatically be set to empty (hotbar)
- Rukon doesn’t have a ranked ban anymore
- True blut now reduces the amount of blut you get back from parrying (one of the arterie functions)
- Kaen hitbox increased
- Boren stun reduced, range and posture dmg increased
- Vizard dmg variant hierro pen reduced (50% – 20%)
- Hierro variant dmg buff increased (4%-5%), defense increased (7%-10%)
- Dodge variant dodges come back a little faster (40s-30s)
- Blut variant defense buff buffed from 5% to 10% while in letzt
- Increased posture buff on tsunayashiro, zaraki, jaegerjaquez and du
- All universal weapons are 50 sp now
- Yamato Quincy crit stuns user if parried
- Reduced startup on Fear Extension
- Reduced posture damage on splitting thunder
- Flurry has a proper startup now
- Wind Prison projectile disappears after 3 seconds
- Wraith endlag reduced
- Increased windup on Needle Infliction
- Reduced posture on damage on Silent Approach
- Crescent Relief doesn’t scale damage based on posture instead 35 damage always
- Horizon increased damage if procced with true pierce (Nuova already did this just re-posting)
- Cero Scourge windup increased
- Ice Shunko ground crit hitbox increased
- Ice Shunko ground crit stun slightly increased
- Ice Shunko air crit damage increased
- Fire Shunko soft cripples after grab
- Fire Shunko knockback reduced and ragdoll/stun time reduced
- SR Murasama endlag decreased
- Taekwondo crit windup increased
- Rageful Leap range decreased
- Arrancar Murasama Cooldown 8 -> 11
- Arrancar Murasama guard breaks now
- Arrancar Murasama windup increased considerably
- Windup on bionic increased
- Phoenix Cinderbolt cooldown increase 15 -> 21
- One Inch Punch cooldown increase 35 -> 45
- Pantera segunda crit ragdoll time decreased
- Raging Demon is not counterable anymore
- Removed lunge on barragan axe crit
- Serum W hitbox indirectly buffed by being fixed
- Increased SP Req for Byakurai (3>8)
- Decreased SP Req for Cero Burst (15>8)
- Decreased SP Req for Blooming Cut (20>15)|
- Bomb kick stun increased (0.4s-0.6s)
- Firing Fist stun increased (0.5s-0.55s)
- Blitz Cascade dmg per bomb reduced (20-17)