So, you wanna go out of bounds, eh? Thankfully, me and the pal NAV have you covered.
In this WEBFISHING Out of Bonds Guide, we’ll be covering various out of bounds glitches that can be- performed concerningly easily, all nicely documented for your viewing pleasure.
What counts as “Out of Bounds”?
So, this is a good question!
It’s a bit complicated if you ask me, as there are some things here that are textbook out of bounds stuff, whilst some are moreso, pseudo-out of bounds. What I mean is that they use the geometry of the in-bounds areas, but you shouldn’t be there in the first place due to the visuals loaded.
To make things easier for myself, I will be dubbing these different out of bounds as TOoB (Traditional Out of Bounds) and POoB (Pseudo Out of Bounds) respectively.
With that out of the way- we get to talk about one of the MOST important aspects of going out of bounds, and the general glitch that allows practically half of these to even work.
Flag Clipping
So, there’s an unnamed glitch that I don’t think anyone has properly coined yet, sooooooooooooo- I’m gonna do exactly that. Introducing the Flag Clip!
The flag clip is VERY easily done, albeit can be a bit finnicky at times. It is performed simply by getting close to a wall, and placing down one of any of the 3 possible island gate props, also known as flags. After which, you can rub yourself against the wall and try to press E to enter the gate as normal- HOWEVER! Upon exiting, the flag puts you at it’s exact location, essentially placing you BEHIND the wall you were just in front of.
This trick is CRUCIAL for all the TOoBs.
The Void
Welcome to The Void, the most easy to enter out of bounds area in the entire effin’ game.
There are TWO main methods of entering the void, it can be accessed via either The Hub or the Aquarium.
The first method is very simple, but requires a rich friend.
Simply stand in the hub, and have said friend punch you with the super boxing glove, due to the lack of a ceiling, you will be quite literally flung out of bounds with ease- yes, this game is THAT easy to break. I pray they never patch this.
The second method, uses a simple and common glitch that you will see A LOT throughout this guide, which I, for the sake of time, will be dubbing a “flag clip”. Flag clipping through the wall here allows very easy access to the void.
By far, the most easiest TOoB to pull off.
Something else to note, the invisible water surrounding the area is all classified as saltwater, for some reason.
Going underground is simply done via flag clipping into practically any form of terrain, it’s- it’s very simple to do. If you read the section about flag clipping, you can pull this off.
Quite literally the same as underground, but like, this time it’s under the water!
Yes, you can fish in the water, under the water.
Yes, it’s stupid and silly as eff.
Just use some flag clips, you can also flag clip from the underwater to the underground, and vice versa.
Purrgatory & Water Wasteland
Put these two together since they one can be done by simply doing the inverse steps for the other.
Purgatory, or as I like to call it, Purrgatory (hahahahahahah), is a completely empty and dull white space… Also known as outside whilst inside. More on that later.
It can be entered using a brand new type of glitch, and is one of the first two POoBs.
Place any flag outside, ANYWHERE, and then place another either inside the hub (or aquarium if you’re a loser). From there, enter the flag inside the hub, exit- and… Yeah, welcome to Purrgatory!
Water Wasteland
The water wasteland, or WW for short (hey, those are MY initials! >:C) can be accessed easily by doing the INVERSE of how one would go to Purrgatory. Simply start off by placing a flag inside the hub, then placing your second one ANYWHERE outside, and viola! You’ve entered the Water Wasteland!
Explaining how the HELL POoBs work in the first place.
Simply put, the game thinks you’re in one layer of the map, but you’re actually standing in the other.
To explain, when you enter one of your private islands, if you have multiple flags placed down, the game will ALWAYS send you to the oldest flag that was spawned on the map, regardless of which island you exit from.
As a result, placing the flag in either the hub or the outside, and then exiting from the island, tricks the game into thinking you entered back into where you came from, but you ACTUALLY warped back to where the first flag was placed, causing the visuals to remain as they would when on the opposite side.
Despite this, ALL of the geometry is a universal constant. Which means in Purrgatory, you could find your way around if you knew the overworld map like the back of your hand, and you can fish in the infinite surrounding saltwater of the Water Wasteland if you perform the glitch whilst also do a flag clip out of bounds in the hub.
Other side effects include you not being rendered visually for other players, but your SOUNDS are still played for them. Yes, you can play a boombox here, and everyone in the area in the overworld you placed it in can hear it, and cannot do anything about it. It’s funny as hell.