Demon Blade is an RPG game developed by DemonCube based on the Demon Slayer anime and manga. In the game, Breathing Styles and Blood Demon Art are very important because they help you during the fight.
When you practice Breathing techniques in Demon Blade, It helps you to perform unique skill moves to damage your enemies. There are so many Breathing Styles in-game and we will rank them in our Demon Blade Breathing Tier List.
Below you will find the Best Breathing Style for PvP and PvE.
Demon Blade Breathing Tier List
Best PVP Breathing
- Serpent – S Tier
- Moon – S Tier
- Beast – A Tier
- Mist – A Tier
- Love – B Tier
- Rock – B Tier
- Wind – C Tier
- Water – C Tier
- FlameĀ – D Tier
Best PVE Breathing
Wind – S Tier
Mist – A Tier
Love – A Tier
Flame – B Tier
Rock – B Tier
Water V2 – C Tier
Best Demon Blade BDA Tier List
- Element – S Tier
- Pot – A Tier
- Destroy (Interchangeable with ice) – B Tier
- Ice – B Tier
- Reaper (Interchangeable with ICE/DESTROY) [Based on skill] – B Tier
Demon Blade Best Breathing Style
Love Breathing
First Love (Z)
- CD: 8s. Stamina consumption: 30
It Shoots a heart forward. If it hits an enemy or object (ground, number, etc.), it will explode immediately. If it doesn’t hit any obstacles, it will explode at the end.
Wavering Romance (X)
- CD: 12s. Stamina consumption: 60
- Dash forward with multiple attacks.
Rains of Love (C)
- CD: 22s. Stamina consumption: 120
- Launching a total of 24 attacks. The attack time lasts 3 seconds and your enemy’s hit will be stunned for 0.2 seconds.
Cat Storm (V)
- CD: 25s. Stamina consumption: 150
It summons 5 cat claws in front, and between the 5 cat claws, light is generated which will attack enemies
Love Flight (F)
- CD: 6s. Stamina consumption: 60
Rock Breathing
Serpentinite (Z)
- CD: 8s. Stamina consumption: 15
Rock Shock (X)
- CD: 15s. Stamina consumption: 30
- It Fires a section of rock in the direction pointed by the cursor, causing damage and knocking it up.