Decloid’s Chaos Overhealing Trello – Classes & Weapons
The Roblox Decloid’s Chaos Overhealing Trello is a helpful resource that features many guides for the game. In this article, you will find the official trello link for Decloid’s Chaos Overhealing. This is a Military game developed by PSK Games.
Since It is a Military genre game, so many classes and weapons are available. You can use the shield to defend yourself during battles. This guide covers everything a player needs to know, from game mechanics, Classes, and weapons to boss battles and in-game items. You’ll also find the latest update logs for the game on there.
Decloid’s Chaos Overhealing Trello Link
- https://trello. com/b/oz7u1Ghq/decloids-chaos-overhealing
Decloid’s Chaos Overhealing Guide
Class system
Classes are purchased in between games to increase the chances of winning. Classes provide players with a unique move set and different starting items.
After the map is selected in a game, players are provided the option to choose their class. Only one may choose a class at a time.
Classes can be leveled up while playing for a base fee of $15, then double that each next level. Your class level is reset once the round is finished.
Knight class
- HP: 120
- Starting weapon(s): Steel sword, Throwing javelin, Loyal knight shield
- Price: 400
- First ability: Slash
- Dash forward in a straight line damaging decloids in your path and leave a red particle effect.
Archer class
- HP: 80
- Starting weapon(s): Egyption knife, Modern Bow
- Price: 500
First ability: Self heal
Heals the user for a small amount with a 60-second CD.
Second ability: Arrow rain
The player equips a special tool, the “arrow rainbow” that presents a green target on the ground. Confirming its placement will cause it to activate, making an arrow rainfall on the target with a 30-second CD.
Medic class
- HP: 70
- Starting weapons: Desert eagle, Linked sword, Morphine
- Price: 700
First ability: Medkit drop
Drop a bundle of medkits healing your allies within a radius for a certain amount each ticks There are 5 ticks. 30 second CD.
Second ability: Improvised First Aid Kit
Craft a choppy medkit that heals 50% HP. 20 second CD.
Demolitionist class
- HP: 100
- Starting weapons: Bat, Molotov
- Price: 800
First ability: Place TNT
Place down explosives with a 15-second CD. After using this ability, you are given the “remote detonator” tool to activate the TNT.
Sciplacer class
- HP: 70
- Starting weapons: 2100 prototype, Pickaxe
- Price: 1600
First ability: Place turret
Every 35 seconds spawn a unique turret that lasts for 15 seconds and has a base dmg of 20 at the first level.
Second ability: Craft repair kit
Every 50 seconds create a repair kit with a 40% chance of success.
Agent class
- HP: 90
- Starting weapons: Fire axe, Benelli M4
- Price: 1650 points
First ability: Quickdraw
Every 10 seconds pull out an agent pistol, dealing 25 base damage and inflicting heavy knockback.
Second ability: Moon destroyer reload
Every 40 seconds, draw/reload the Moon destroyer rifle. The MDR has a base magazine of 12 which increases by 1 each class level. Additionally, it’s base damage is also 12, doubling every level.
That’s all the information you’ll need to access the Decloid’s Chaos Overhealing Trello.