Idle Dungeon Raiders Guide Wiki – Legendary Items Tips

Idle Dungeon Raiders is a single player  RPG game developed by Pyre Games where your main target is to collect loot from Dungeons battles and fight against monsters after killing monsters and getting loot, you can use the loot to upgrade your heroes.

In Idle Dungeon Raiders you can unlock and recruit new heroes, every hero has its unique abilities and skills. Well this game also so many other good features and I’ve elaborated the entire gameplay mechanics and in-game vitals through the Idle Dungeon Raiders Guide Guide and Tips piece. 

Idle Dungeon Raiders Guide Wiki – Legendary Items & Loot


The highest lvl obtainable is 82. (Molten Crown)

Only Weapons and Chest items can be dropped at lvl82 and are only found at 192k.

Boots and Shields at lvl 81 can be dropped at 185k.

Cloak max lvl 80 can be found at 178k.

helm max lvl 79 at 171k.

Gloves max lvl 79 at 164k

Best gold drop is 158k.

Idle Dungeon Raiders Guide Wiki - Legendary Items & Loot


The forge has a very slim chance to give a lvl 82 item, most will be in the range of 78-81. Gaining a Legendary item only has a 5% chance when merging epic items.

Merging a Legendary base item will only increase that items enhancement cap level for upgrading, it will not return a new level legendary item.


The turnover of higher lvl items will replace whatever you have now once new locations are released.

Upgrading items will increase damage, kill faster, return more coin for future upgrading and other costs.

You will need to upgrade to complete the current content available.
Weapons – for rogues/warrior (atk passive)
Shield – for warrior (def passive)
Cloaks – for on all for mages (healing)

Legendary lvl82 item
Upgrade 50/100 = 10.9 million
upgrade 50 – 100/100 = 76.85 million
Legendary lvl82 item upgrade from 100 – 120/120 = 63.2 million
(Subject to base stats of item, guide only)


Exceptional items do exist, the most well-known is Rogue Boots level 69 from Forge this item has more power than a level 79+ item.

Idle Dungeon Raiders Guide Wiki - Legendary Items & Loot


Gain the level 82 weapons and chest items from the 192k location.

Then farm the 158k location as this has the highest gold drop.

Use forge to merge epics to get higher-level legendary items (5% chance). You will end up with a stash full of epic lvl 80+ items eventually.

Sell all Rare and common items for coin. 1000 rare items is roughly 25 million coins.
The biggest question around item level is whether it worth grinding for lvl82 at all.


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