YBA is one of the best games and Most Popular games on Roblox with a lot of unique spiritual abilities which are known as stands and Skins to obtain.
In this game, you can trade your Stands with other players and these Stands and Skins have a trading value that is defined by community players so that every player can check the values of stands and skins before they can trade it.
In this YBA Tier List 2025 February – (YBA Skins Tier List 1.78), we will tell you the Values of Each stand but before that, you also know something about the Pity System.
Every time you buy the stand reroll game product it will multiply your chances of obtaining a skin by the amount of rerolls you have bought. The pity system saves across every server, and resets when you roll a shiny!
Max chances for rerolling a skin will be 10.0% (Except for the lucky arrow which gives 90% and adds to your pity chances!)
When using arrows, corpse parts, and requiem arrows, etc. your pity will also increase your chances of rolling a stand skin. Normal pity has a maximum of 10%, however is doubled to a maximum of 20% only when buying the stand reroll dev product.
YBA Tier List 2025 February – (YBA Skins Tier List 1.78) (Image)
YBA Tier List 2025 February – (YBA Skins Tier List 1.78) (Values)
In this YBA Stand Tier List The stands are in order from rarest to least rare, the numbers in the parentheses are the amount of points a skin is worth!
/ in between stands means they’re equal in value! (In Jojo part order)
YBA Tier List & Trading Values Explanation
More points = higher place on the tier list
Disclaimer: Points do not act as a currency, but rather a way to determine the place for skins on the tier list!
Please note that this system goes by the version of the stand that the skin is originally obtained with.
Example: Evolving a Whitesnake skin to C-Moon or Made in Heaven doesn’t increase or decrease the skin’s points/value
Decremental Point System (only applicable for unobtainable/limited shinies)
Legendary: (0.5) points per every week obtainable (-2 per month)
Epic: (-2) points per every week obtainable (-8 per month)
Uncommon: (-7.5) points per every week obtainable (-30 per month)
Common: (-15) points per every week obtainable **(-60 per month)
Skin Rarity Point Gain
Limited/Unobtainable = +700
Legendary = +500
Epic = +400
Uncommon = +200
Common = +50
Rarity Type Calculations:
1 Rarity = 1/4th of value
2 Rarities = Half of value
3 Rarities = 3/4ths of value
4 Rarities = Full value
Example: If a stand has 1 Common, 1 Uncommon, 1 Epic, and 1 Legendary, that means they have all 4 rarity tiers and will be granted full value when obtaining one of its skins!
Example 2: If a stand has 1 Legendary skin, they will only be granted 1/4th of the Legendary Tier Value because there’s only the possibility of getting a Legendary no matter what.
[Example 1 would come out to be 4/4th of the points added]
(4 Rarity Types = 4/4 = 100%)
[Example 2 would come out to add+125 points instead of +500]
(1/4th of 500 = 125)
Stand Rarity Point Gain
Arrow Stands
Stone Free = +300
Whitesnake = +300
Star Platinum = +300
The World = +300
Killer Queen = +250
Crazy Diamond = +250
Gold Experience = +250
King Crimson = +250
Silver Chariot = +200
Anubis = +200
Red Hot Chili Peppers = +150
Hermit Purple = +150
Purple Haze = +150
Cream = +150
Hierophant Green = +150
The Hand = +150
Magician’s Red = +100
White Album = +50
Sticky Fingers = +50
Aerosmith = +0
Six Pistols = +0
Beach Boy = +0
Mr. President = +0
Ribcage Stands
Tusk ACTs 1-3: (N/A, ONLY ACT 4 SKINS)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap = +150
Scary Monsters = +150
The World Alternate Universe = +150
Soft & Wet = +150
Evolved Stands = +(x) = Based off difficulty
The World Over Heaven = +1,200
Shadow The World = +1,100
Made in Heaven = +1000
Tusk ACT 4 = +900
C-Moon = +700
D4C – Love Train = 450
Requiem Stands = +250
Star Platinum: The World = 550
Killer Queen: Bites The Dust = 500
King Crimson Requiem = 500
Gold Experience Requiem = 500
Chariot Requiem = 450
Event List
Halloween (2021): 10/16/21 11/08/21 (3 weeks)
Christmas (2021): 12/18/21 – 1/03/22 (2 weeks)
Halloween (2022): 10/16/22 – 11/10/22 (4 weeks)
Christmas (2022): 12/15/22 – 1/09/22 (3 weeks)
Christmas (2023): 12/15/23 – 1/08/24 (3 weeks)
Halloween (2025): 10/31/24 – 12/01/24 (4 weeks)
Special Cases
The Waifu (The World) – 4/30/2021 – 7/01/2022 (56 weeks)
Shadow The World (The World) – 10/16/21 – 11/15/2025 160 weeks)
Go/Jo (Shadow The World) – 11/15/2025 – 12/01/2025 (2 Weeks)