Last War Survival Desert Storm Guide – Map & Rewards

Welcome to the Last War Survival Desert Storm Guide. The objective of this event is straightforward you have to Score more points than the opponent by capturing buildings and collecting points.

below you will find all the important information about this event in this Last War Survival Desert Storm Guide.

Last War Survival Desert Storm Guide

Start of the game and Safe Zone
Start from the safe zone. If you are zeroed during the event, you will be teleported back here too. You can reinforce buildings from here without risking an attack on your HQ. If teleporting into the arena is costing too many troops stay in safe zone.
The Allie Troop Healing Help button won’t be a useful tool in desert storm, so be careful how many troops are lost. If all troops disappear you will need to go back to the base to train more.
If you do run out of troops don’t worry. Once the event has finished, they will return to the drill ground as if it were all just a dream.
Any Healing speed-ups, however, will not be refunded.
If you do need to heal troops do this in batches. It takes longer but will ensure you have a small number of troops, keeping you in the battle, without wasting all your speed-up inventory.
The safe zone can keep you safe whilst you are Healing also as no enemy can attack your base.
Teleports allow you to travel through the desert battlefield. These are free and will refresh every 2 minutes.
There may be a cool-down period before it can be used. The cool-down period can be reduced by occupying the Science Hub

The game: Battlefield Points and Individual Points
The aim of the game is to get the most battle field points. The Silo in the centre gives the alliance 4500 points/m and the Oil Refinery gives 3000 alliance points/m

There is a capture reward for every building for a boost in points when this is achieved
The other buildings also give a battlefield points but are lower as they also offer strategic advantages when occupied.
Field Hospital – 1800 points/m – 50% healing time boost
Science Hub – 600 points/m – 50% more teleports
Info Centre – 600 points/m – 50% faster building takeover
Arsenal- 600 points/m – 15% boost to Hero Attack/Defence
Mercenary – 600 points/m – 15% boost to Hero Attack/Defence
Oil refinery, Field Hospital, Info Centre and Science Hub can be occupied at the start of the game.
Arsenal and Mercenary open after about 10 mins or earlier.
Silo will open after 15mins or earlier.
You will win by getting the most points and stay in the game by occupying strategic buildings.

Last War Survival Desert Storm Guide

BLUE – Oil Refinery
YELLOW- Field Hospital
PURPLE/PINK – Science Hub
GREEN – Info Hub
BLACK – Arsenal
GREY – Mercenary
WHITE – Silo
Random oil wells will also appear to give 240 points/m. They may be ideal for low-powered squads.
Supply boxes will appear around buildings to give instant excess points.
Points here are very low 240 points/m
Individual points can be gained by attacking the enemy’s base. This will not contribute to the accumulation of battlefield points but is a crucial strategy for reducing an opponent’s health, teleporting them away, occupying buildings and getting extra rewards.
If a HQ is zeroed it will go back to the safe zone. Any troops defeated in this attack will be added to your individual points
Use this tactic to take out players quickly and send them further away. You will then be able to quickly attack buildings without them being reinforced from that player.

Gameplay and Alliance Strategy
The Silo and Oil refineries will give the most points. Keep these to win the game.
Use the field hospital to save on troop healing speed and give extra battle points.
If this fails occupy the Arsenal or Mercany Buildings to boost hero attack and defence
If you are constantly attacked stay in the safe zone and reinforce buildings from there. When you have enough troops healed use teleport to help allies with quick rallies.
The game duration is 40 minutes. Communication is key. Chat in the battlefield allies chat when you enter the event so members not participating can still communicate in alliance chat. Set up a Discord channel for the event for your alliance. Use voice chat to keep for quick and easy communication
Have a loose strategy going into the event to avoid chaos. You will need to work together in teams to be effective. Stronger members will likely be able to take structures but may get targeted early in the game. If you have healing speed-ups save them for this event as they can come in handy.
Hope this will help! Shared by ZiggiJam

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