Last War Best Heroes Tier List 2025 February

If you are just starting your adventure in Last War Survival you probably want to know what the best heroes to use for your Last War Survival team are and which ones you should avoid. Well, you are in the right place! We will rank all of the characters in tiers from S to C, and give you a complete Last War Survival tier list!

Last War Survival Heroes are categorized into three distinct specializations, each indicating their primary function within a squad: dealing damage, absorbing damage, or providing support.

Last War Survival Heroes has 3 Rarity UR (legendary), SSR (epic), and SR (rare), and In this article, we will rank them. Now let’s take a look at the Last War Best Heroes Tier List & Characters Guide

Last War Best Heroes Tier List 2025 & Characters Guide

S Tier:

  • Kimberly
  • Schuyler
  • Murphy
  • Marshall
  • DVA

A Tier:

  • Tesla
  • Swift
  • Stetmann
  • Carlie
  • Lucius
  • Williams

B Tier:

  • Morrison
  • Mason
  • Adam
  • McGregor
  • Venom
  • Elsa
  • Monica

C Tier:

  • Richard
  • Cage
  • Blaz
  • Violet
  • Sarah
  • Scarlett

D Tier:

  • Maxwell
  • Farhad
  • Ambolt
  • Loki
  • Kane
  • Gump

Last War Best Heroes Tier List

Kimberly – S Tier

Kimberly - S Tier

Kimberly is a paid ($0.99) hero in the game which is crucial for your team from the very beginning of the game to the very end of the game. If you are fresh on a new server, Kimberly is crucial to accumulating a lot of power early and being accepted into a strong alliance.

She is a tank hero who specializes in dealing damage, though early into the game she is quite tanky. Kimberly’s skills will be listed below with a detailed explanation.

Auto Attack: Energy Assault

  • Fire a rocket at a random enemy, dealing Energy Damage equals to X% (Scales with upgraded level) of the Attack. (Cooldown: 1.55s)

Tactics: Barrage Strike

Fire 8 rockets at random enemies, each dealing a devastating amount of Energy Damage equals to X (Scales with level) of the Attack. (Cooldown: 10s)

Passive: Energy Boost

  • Boost this hero’s Energy Damage by X (Scales with level) in battle.

Expertise: Super Sensing

  • Self HP, Attack, and Defense +20% respectively. Skill cooldown rate +10%.

Kimberly’s auto attack is just the basic attacks she does, it does not have a skill activation. This deals consistent damage, which is good at killing bosses, while Barrage Strike does good burst damage. It is recommended to level this skill up SECOND.

Kimberly’s Barrage strike deals burst damage, which is good for dealing with zombies. It has a cooldown of 10 seconds. It is recommended to upgrade this skill LAST.

Kimberly’s Energy boost increases her damage TREMENDOUSLY when upgraded. It is recommended to upgrade this skill FIRST. This skill should take priority over any other skill of hers.

Murphy – S Tier:

Murphy - S Tier:

Murphy is a paid hero in the game which is also crucial for your team from the very beginning of the game until the very end of the game. Murphy is a tank hero who specializes in taking a lot of damage. Murphy’s skills are listed below with a detailed explanation.

Auto Attack: Cannon Fire

  • Fires a cannonball at the enemy, dealing Physical Damage equals to X% (Scales with level) of the Attack. (Cooldown 1.6s)

Tactics: Ironclad Barrier

  • After casting the skill, boost the physical Damage Reduction of the front-row units by X% (Scales with level) for 5s. (Cooldown: 10s)

Passive: Stand Firm

  • Reduce all damage taken in battle by X% (Scales with level) for front-row units.

Expertise: Super Sensing

  • Self HP, Attack, and Defense +20% respectively. Skill cooldown rate +10%.

Murphy’s skills are self-explanatory in what they do, and I previously went over what Auto Attack does. It is recommended to upgrade Murphy’s Passive first since it is constant and is applied to the other front-row hero, and then his second skill.

Murphy’s second skill is recommended to be upgraded second since it will increase the tankyness of both front-row heroes for a limited duration. Murphy’s last skill, his auto attack, is recommended to be upgraded last since he is a damage-soaking hero rather than a damage healing hero.


Mason is a damage-focused hero which does not have to be paid for. Mason is rewarded through the Base Expansion game mode and should be a member of your early game team. Mason’s skills are listed below with a detailed explanation.

Tactics: Fire Cover

  • Attack with a Minigun, dealing Physical Damage equals to X% (Scales with level) of the Attack. (Cooldown: 1.1s)

Auto Attack: Quick Reload

  • Attack with a minigun, dealing Physical Damage equals to X% (Scales with level) of the attack. (Cooldown: 9s)

Passive: Zombie Purge

  • Boost back-row Tank Heroes’ Damage vs monsters in Battle by 11%.

Expertise: Super Sensing

  • Self HP, Attack, and Defense +10% respectively.

Mason’s auto attack and Tactics skill are swapped, which I believe is an error from the development team. The order you should upgrade Mason’s skills are Fire Cover since it is his form of consistent damage, Quick Reload with good burst damage, and then upgrading Zombie Purge last.

The reason you upgrade his passive last is that while it is a good passive in the player vs environment modes (PVE) it does not affect battles against other players.


Violet is a tank that uses her poison to kill her enemies. Violet specializes in being a damage-soaking tank hero but can also deal good damage if enemies are close to her.

Violet is a hero you can get by being free-to-play and you can upgrade her to atleast three stars without paying. Violet’s skills are listed below with a detailed explanation.

Violet’s auto attack and tactics skills are swapped similar to Mason’s. It is recommended to upgrade her Auto Attack first since it will decrease the enemy’s damage, then her Poison Mist second as it does good Area Of Effect (AOE) damage.

The last skill to upgrade is her Z-Armor, as it only gives her damage reduction in PVE game modes.


Monica is a supportive tank hero and is not required to be paid for. She is a hero which specializes in giving buffs to her team and giving negative effects (debuffs) to the enemy team.

Monica is a hero which you will use early in the game, though she will be replaced by heroes that come out in the future. Below Monica’s skills will be listed with a detailed explanation.

Monica is a weird hero which the document creator believes is surrounded by either bugs or inconsistent notes on her skills. It is rumored that she heals, though if you analyze her skills there is nothing mentioning healing.

However, the support class says it buffs the squad she is on, which leads some to believe she heals. For her skills, it is recommended to upgrade Treasure Hunter first, then Weak Spot Scan, then Double Shot Cannon.

The last two skills provide buffs in the form of additional resources and a damage increase in PVE modes, and her Double Shot cannon is a lackluster form of damage.

That ends our guide for the latest Last War Survival Tier List – Best Heroes & Characters Guide. If you are deep into Last War Survival games, check out the Last War Drone Skill Chip Guide, Last War Survival Building Guide and Last War Survival Alliance Duel Guide

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