
Heroes vs Hordes Build Guide – Best build, Team, Line Up

Welcome to our Heroes vs Hordes Build Guide – Best build, Team, Line Up. When you are starting out in the early game, survival weapons find more use.

Ice wand + Life tome build works well to hard cc enemies with a freeze, Divine Aura + Regeneration tome is useful to provide some pushback to enemies but also regenerate your HP

Boomerang + Movement tome provides you with a fast movement escape tool whilst slowing enemies down. Dragon breath is a great choice for damage in early game, though it will fall off once you get stronger.

Arcane Staff + Duration tome is amazing in helping to take down bosses and elites till you get stronger to handle them without it. It is the MUST have weapon during boss brawl.

Play around and experiment with different builds to see what you enjoy for your playstyle.

As you get stronger you will naturally shift towards the damage meta that all heroes will follow: Bombs + Area tome, Fire orbs + Duplicator tome, Lightning + Cooldown tome, Crossbows, Damage tome and Crit tome.

As for farming gold:

Coin tome is selected instead of Crit tome.

Once you are stronger, can survive 5 minutes in coin rush mode, you can swap Damage tome out and take EXP tome instead. This allows you to get extra gold from each level you reach once done upgrading all weapons.

1. Oracle: Artemis’ Perma-Ulti Build

This build revolves around a long-duration stat. When testing it out, my Oracle had 70% and above. The idea is that with a high enough duration stat and with required damage, she can charge and trigger the next ultimate while the balls from the previous ultimate are still flying around the screen, thus achieving a perma-ultimate state. As of now, this build was tested using both full Noble set and the standard all Rogue + Ranger boots.

Required stat: High value for Effect Duration

Weapons: With the standard set of Fire Orbs, Bombs, Lightning, Crossbow

Tomes: Duration (most important), Duplicator, Cooldown
– For farming: EXP tome and Coin tome
– For GE / Dungeon: Damage and Crit / Area of Effect

Jewels: Standard Jewels: Vulnerability, Ultimate Charge & Ultimate Duration, Cooldown till 60% cap. Chances are if you don’t have a high enough effect duration, those jewels could be used to fill the remainder of the slots (instead of Area of Effect) to reach 70%.

Artemis was able to AFK farm TJ5 with this build.
I tested in a Guild level 10 event, whilst wearing legendary and epic pieces of all Rogue + Ranger’s boots.

Heroes vs Hordes Build Guide

Leprechaun: Vrathak & Wizhum’s AFK Coin Farm Build

The build revolves around being “weak” weapon-wise and “strong” in survivability instead so that enemies have a chance to get closer to your hero for Leprechaun’s Pot of Gold & Rainbow’s End to affect them.

Vrathak’s build is catered towards mid-game players in Legendary gear with 2-star hero.

Wizham’s build is catered towards late-game players in Ascended or better gear with a 3-star hero.

(Results may vary due to globals, talents, and forges)

Vrathak’s Build: 2 Star Leprechaun

Gear: All Legendary pieces. Noble: Helm, Amulet & Ring. Rogue: Chest & Feet. Knight: Hands.

Weapons: Ice Wand, Divine Aura, Chain Lightning, Crossbow

Tomes: Coin, Life, Regenartion, Armor & Cooldown

Jewels: Vulnerability, Ultimate Charge & Ultimate Duration, fill the rest with coins, keys for any unfilled slots.

Notes: You have to be active and spin around slowly to affect enemies with your abilities. Make sure you are collecting your coins during Coin Rush.

Heroes vs Hordes Build Guide

Wizhum’s Build: 3 Star Leprechaun

Gear: Full Ascended or better Noble set.

Weapons: Ice Wand, Divine Aura, Arcane Staff specifically for against elites. Last weapon can be either Chain Lightning, Hammers, Crossbow or Fire Orbs. Chain Lightning is recommended for mythic players. Ascended players can try Chain Lightning too though though survivaibility might be an issue. Fire Orbs does provide some extra survivability. See which works better for you.

Tomes: Recovery (Mandatory), Coin (Mandatory), XP (Good to have). Last 2 tomes can be either Armor, Evasion, Movement, maybe speed (as long as it doesn’t make weapons better) depending on what you need for survival or just pick which ever comes first.

Jewels: Vulnerability, Ultimate Charge, fill the rest with coins, keys for any unfilled slots. If you feel you are doing really well, you can begin replacing Ultimate Charge, and later on Vulnerability jewels.
*Ultimate Duration isn’t necessary if you can use it and see if it works out better for you*

Notes: With this you can full AFK the run, though in coin rush, start collecting coins in the last 30 seconds.

Monk: Murtag’s 1.37.0 Update Build

Heroes vs Hordes Build Guide

With the changes brought by v1.37.0 there has been a lot of confusion about Monk’s evo getting nerfed. However it appears that it has changed in terms of build whilst allowing for similar if not better results, and also reduced lag on devices.

It centres around cooldown & projectile speed and duration. Players can face North / South for the full effect, though a compromise is possible by facing East / West so that the evo attacks bounce against the edge of the screen and return (based on your projectile speed and duration stats).

(Results may vary due to globals, talents and forges)

Required stat: 80+ Projectile Speed, 60% Cooldown cap

Gear: Rogue: Helm, Chest, Gloves, Amulet. Ranger: Boots, Ring

Jewels: Cooldown till 60% cap > Projectile Speed till 80+ > Vulnerability > Physical Projectile > Area of Effect

Weapons: Recommended: Bombs, Poison Darts, Chain Lightning, Crossbow / Fire Orbs
Note: Crossbow will get evolve during the run so it is best used when you have Twin Wing forge. Otherwise, you may choose to opt for a different weapon instead such as Fire Orbs.

Tomes: Duplicator (Mandatory), Projectile Speed (Mandatory), Cooldown (Mandatory), Area of Effect (recommended / flex), Damage (recommended / flex)
Note: You can opt to switch in Effect Duration tome in a flex spot and test which works best for you.

This build is based on Mythic gear, therefore a late-game build. Players in Legendary / Ascended can give it a try, prioritizing the jewel order listed above, and facing Monk East/West direction.

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Mohsin Ahmed

Mohsin Ahmed is an eSports author at treyexgaming, and has written over 200+ articles for their eSports division. He is an undergradate student at Jamia Hamdard University.

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