Beyond Volleyball League Trello & Best Trait Tier List 2024
Looking for Beyond Volleyball League Trello? If yes, then in this article we will show you Beyond Volleyball League Trello & Best Trait Tier List. Beyond Volleyball League is a very popular Touch Volleyball game where you play against 1 player and get rewards if you beat them.
Now, Beyond Volleyball League Trello is something that will help you to win every match very easily, All you have to learn about traits and the best characters and you will find information about traits in Trello and Trello Link mentioned below.
Beyond Volleyball League Trello
Beyond Volleyball League Guide
Helpful Information
Short Height Perks (5’4 – 5’10)
As you get shorter, your stamina increases up to maximum of 15.
As you get shorter, your receive hitbox size increases making it harder to be receive broken and allowing you to easily pick up any spike.
Generally lower jump (see Height Source Code for full details).
As you get shorter, your spiking hitbox size decreases.
Tall Height Perks (5’11 – 6’10)
Generally higher jump (see Height Source Code for full details).
As you get taller, your spiking hitbox size increases allowing you to spike higher and hit sets with ease.
As you get taller, your stamina decreases to a minimum of 10.
As you get taller, your receiving hitbox size decreases.
Beyond Volleyball League Traits
Serving Traits
- Strong Spin
- Floater
Strong Spin
- Intensifies the spin on auto-serves.
Strong Spin (Secondary Traits)
(1) Top Spinner: Intensifies top spin on your serves.
(2) Side Spinner: Heavily intensifies side spin on serves.
(3) Line Spinner: Your serves cannot be corner pitied.
(4) Big Arms: Increases your receive hitbox by 1.
Increases the area and intensity of floaters.
Floater (Secondary Traits)
(1) Screwball: The ball wobbles a lot more when floating.
(2) Power Float: You can use floaters up to 10 power instead of 8.
(3) Big Arms: Increases your receive hitbox by 1.
Receiving Traits
- Big Arms
- Quick Defense
- High Dive
Setting Traits
- Grounded Sets
- Aerial Sets
- Spiking Traits
- Strong Arm
- Soft Touch
- Broad Range
- Bunnies
- Flexible Spiker
Blocking Traits
- Iron Arms
- Glide Blocker
That’s it for this Beyond Volleyball League Trello & Best Trait Tier List. You can also read our Over Lock Guide, Undertale Universal Massacre Trello, Demon Piece Fruit Tier List, Demon Piece Trello, and Project Smash Trello